[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

Awesome guide. :)

My bow marauder is lvl 66, and I have some questions :

1) It seems that not many people take the "+15% all res" nodes, even tho they are right there with no pathing, so you can get +30% for 2 points. What's even more surprising (to me) is that most people take the +5% all max res node. Now, my resistances suck, they are just garbage, so I took the +30%, and even used Purity for a while, but I had to get rid of it due to Blood Magic (can't really waste a support gem from LA for that). So my question is : On higher levels after a good amount of map farming, do you get so much resistances from your gear that you don't even need the 30%, but instead need to raise the cap by 5% ?

2) Is there any way to make the mechanics of LA more effective ? I mean increase the distance the chain "jumping" can occur, so that it can hit targets further away from eachother, or maybe using the Concentrated Effect or Increased Area of Effect support gems to make the AOE hit more targets, or hit less, but way harder ? I am using a 5L now for LA, if I get a 6th linked socket, the guide suggests to add Faster Attacks, but are you sure that's the best choice ? I mean it's awesome when the mobs are standing close to each other, but when they spread out, or one of them runs up in my face, they can really break the mechanics of this build. However, that might be simply because of my lack of game experience and bad kiting. :D

3) Can someone please give me some advice which one of my items should I change next ? I know they pretty much all suck, but what's the weakest point, what should I start with ?

1)Short answer is yes, you can get tons of resists on higher levels of gear. Use the +30% from skills for now, they are purposely placed in dead ends so that you can easily spec in and out of them as your resists change.
Also the +5% max resist is a huge dmg reduction once your resists are capped. When you look at the true dmg mitigation it is massive. Google up the math on it and you will see.

2) Not sure.

3) Like you say, most of it needs work. I would just look at the lowest HP/resist items and upgrade those. Your boots have 0 HP and 6% resist x2. That could do with an upgrade. The rings are nice with the +ele dmg, but are lacking HP etc... Belt could do with more HP. Etc...
Edzilla wrote:

Do we ever switch to GMP? Thinking of buying a quality LMP, and maxing it to 20%, but don't want to do that if i'm just going to use GMP later on.

Also, what do you think is better linked to elemental hit - Faster attacks, or Culling strike?

GMP is a decent option only when you determine your DPS is too high and you need to distribute it over a larger number of hits (even if it means an arrow or two will be wasted in each shot). I can't simplify this further... On another note; with the change to Lightning Thorns, you have to be extremely careful around increasing your number of hits and mindlessly shooting around. The game really requires you to be very careful, that's all. Find a sweet spot between your input/output (input being received damage, output dished damage).

DeathnTaxes wrote:
2) Is there any way to make the mechanics of LA more effective ? I mean increase the distance the chain "jumping" can occur, so that it can hit targets further away from eachother, or maybe using the Concentrated Effect or Increased Area of Effect support gems to make the AOE hit more targets, or hit less, but way harder ? I am using a 5L now for LA, if I get a 6th linked socket, the guide suggests to add Faster Attacks, but are you sure that's the best choice ? I mean it's awesome when the mobs are standing close to each other, but when they spread out, or one of them runs up in my face, they can really break the mechanics of this build. However, that might be simply because of my lack of game experience and bad kiting. :D

2) Not sure.

This is why you use a specific magical combination of LA-LMP-WED-LGoH-Chain. That is how you maximize its potential. As for the single mobs running in your face, if it presents a threat, you should just kite it around better. Maneuver around the dangerous packs to align them nicely with each other, and then unleash hell. If they are too fast, drop Temporal Chains on them. Increased AoE passives/support gem works on LA, but it is inferior to any gem in the "magic combo". Conc effect won't work with LA because it does not deal AoE damage, it just "mini chains" to 3 additional targets.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:
Edzilla wrote:

Do we ever switch to GMP? Thinking of buying a quality LMP, and maxing it to 20%, but don't want to do that if i'm just going to use GMP later on.

Also, what do you think is better linked to elemental hit - Faster attacks, or Culling strike?

GMP is a decent option only when you determine your DPS is too high and you need to distribute it over a larger number of hits (even if it means an arrow or two will be wasted in each shot). I can't simplify this further... On another note; with the change to Lightning Thorns, you have to be extremely careful around increasing your number of hits and mindlessly shooting around. The game really requires you to be very careful, that's all. Find a sweet spot between your input/output (input being received damage, output dished damage).

DeathnTaxes wrote:
2) Is there any way to make the mechanics of LA more effective ? I mean increase the distance the chain "jumping" can occur, so that it can hit targets further away from eachother, or maybe using the Concentrated Effect or Increased Area of Effect support gems to make the AOE hit more targets, or hit less, but way harder ? I am using a 5L now for LA, if I get a 6th linked socket, the guide suggests to add Faster Attacks, but are you sure that's the best choice ? I mean it's awesome when the mobs are standing close to each other, but when they spread out, or one of them runs up in my face, they can really break the mechanics of this build. However, that might be simply because of my lack of game experience and bad kiting. :D

2) Not sure.

This is why you use a specific magical combination of LA-LMP-WED-LGoH-Chain. That is how you maximize its potential. As for the single mobs running in your face, if it presents a threat, you should just kite it around better. Maneuver around the dangerous packs to align them nicely with each other, and then unleash hell. If they are too fast, drop Temporal Chains on them. Increased AoE passives/support gem works on LA, but it is inferior to any gem in the "magic combo". Conc effect won't work with LA because it does not deal AoE damage, it just "mini chains" to 3 additional targets.

Yeah, the lightning thorns nearly took me out the other day. I have started carrying around a topaz pot around - slapping it on if the map yields thorn casters. I just pop it any time I see the thorns on any mob and spam LA - if it is on cooldown, I just fire more carefully.

But you didn't answer my culling strike VS. Faster attacks question. Which is better for EH? I am liking culling, for a boss finisher since my pal that i run maps with is RoA, we don't have much single target. But, i think FA is more over all dps - but don't have a leveled one to test out yet.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Edzilla wrote:
But you didn't answer my culling strike VS. Faster attacks question. Which is better for EH? I am liking culling, for a boss finisher since my pal that i run maps with is RoA, we don't have much single target. But, i think FA is more over all dps - but don't have a leveled one to test out yet.

Ah, I knew I forgot something! I prefer Faster Attacks, but honestly it is really easy to switch the FA for Culling Strike once the boss is down on ~15%ish HP to get the 10% proc. Generally, considering I use my single target quite a bit and not just on bosses or yellows, Faster Attacks just makes it smooth.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:
Edzilla wrote:
But you didn't answer my culling strike VS. Faster attacks question. Which is better for EH? I am liking culling, for a boss finisher since my pal that i run maps with is RoA, we don't have much single target. But, i think FA is more over all dps - but don't have a leveled one to test out yet.

Ah, I knew I forgot something! I prefer Faster Attacks, but honestly it is really easy to switch the FA for Culling Strike once the boss is down on ~15%ish HP to get the 10% proc. Generally, considering I use my single target quite a bit and not just on bosses or yellows, Faster Attacks just makes it smooth.

I just add to that, in groups, let the MF guy do the cull strike ;-)

So faster attacks is better.
IGN: AchiLize
Achi's Quality Shop https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/602552
Is there a way to run purity,determination,vitality, haste as well as grace wrath and anger without having the last 3 on blood magic?

with 10% mana reserved passives, alphas howl and level 20 reduced mana you can get 40% auras down to 23% ( times 4 = 92% reserved) however this means you would need to put the final 3 flat auras on blood magic which is a 670 ish life hit combined with 200 ish from not having hp on helm.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Use The Covenant trick. Makes the "hit" on HP negligible.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
Last edited by Drahken on Apr 21, 2013, 1:10:16 PM
VenatorPoE wrote:
Use The Covenant trick. Makes the "hit" on HP negligible.

brilliant, ill try that.

on a side note for everyone planning to use koam's heart in their final build, taking the skill point from normal bandits for an 8% life node will net about 33 more life. where as without koam's 40 health reward nets 43 more life. In the end, its a marginal difference though i wish there was a way to 'repick' your reward.

baseline used: 309% life nodes , 1417 base health.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Last edited by Nephalim on Apr 22, 2013, 2:02:08 AM
could you give me an advice if i should go back to mana? using bm keystone atm, 1k dps on LA (chain, wed, lmp, lgoh), but it will gimp my dps on LA even more if i put there BM gem instead of chain i suppose, im lvl 71 so doing easy maps and docks

i have covenant, so what auras to use, on mp purity, haste, determination? on hp usual ones - wrath, anger, grace.

im wondering if that 1k dps on chained LA is low ... after changing from ele cleave where tooltip was showing 10k it looks sad :)
IGN: Tamenath/Zawish/Mevev/Moldorn/Hayna

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