Exception: Unable to deserialize packet with pid 3

I've had approx. the same problem but with pid 241 in Lunaris temple level 3.
Wear the Cassock.
appreantly still not fixed jan 21 2014
Same message, but with Pid 164. Just got it four times straight, game boots to log in screen, I select character and then it hangs at area loading screen. I alt+tab out to see the 'exception' notification.

Running Pack Check now. Has there been any word from GGG concerning what this might be about?

Edit: I just completed The Prison and took my quest reward. It crashed after I finished and exited the prison and I've been getting this exception ever since.

Edit: Just found this thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/549535 regarding it. Wired my machine to the router, loaded up just fine.
Last edited by Fourmoyle on Mar 6, 2014, 11:59:52 PM
Just to add to this....

I have two USB wireless adapters, a Linksys AE3000 and an older Linksys WUSB600N. Of the two, the AE3000 is faster and has better range, but I will almost always get the "unable to deserialize..." error within a minute or two of being in the game (usually in town or in the first zone). However, with the WUSB600N, I have NEVER gotten that error. It appears, in my limited testing, that only certain wireless adapters are susceptible to this.

cmattos wrote:
Just to add to this....

I have two USB wireless adapters, a Linksys AE3000 and an older Linksys WUSB600N. Of the two, the AE3000 is faster and has better range, but I will almost always get the "unable to deserialize..." error within a minute or two of being in the game (usually in town or in the first zone). However, with the WUSB600N, I have NEVER gotten that error. It appears, in my limited testing, that only certain wireless adapters are susceptible to this.

GOOD JOB! Finally somebody who wants to help GGG.

You know guys, many people here just post some random issue and finding for the GGG developers with the demand: SOLVE THIS!

Solving technical issues is rarely a matter of error and solution but often involves troubleshooting and isolating the problem.

And that's were the challenge is: You are running the game at home (I guess) in your own environment where GGG cannot to any testing or troubleshooting.

So CMATTOS remark is VERY helpful. He tried to isolate the problem to wireless adapters by TESTING and TROUBLESHOOTING.

If you want to get your problem SOLVED you have to put some EFFORT in TESTING yourself
Yeah, I've started getting this error a lot lately. It happens mostly when I'm on twitch.tv if that helps get it fixed any. . .
Unable to deserialise packet with pid 65!

I was doing a map Level 67 with 92% more quantity + monsters fluctuate...

game crashed, then restarted jumped into the same area, as soon as my toon shows on the area (dunes), I got this message, used up all portals this way and could not get my loot on shore :(

It's june now and this issue isn't fixed :D multiple pid crashes every couple hours, it's random.
please fix this fuking stupid problem...!!
I've got about a dozen PID crashes when entering my Coastal Hideout.

I have never seen this error before 1.2 patch. Looks like some old bugs found their way into my hideout :|

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