Barrage Wonder Wanderer – how to DEMOLISH maps (1.3.X)

why is it call how to DEMOLISH map.... if no one as ever tried to to endgame maps with this build?...

if i wanna try this build with quillrain? do i just need to buy one? or some modification to the tree are necessary?
Last edited by xenochaos1 on Mar 28, 2014, 8:07:24 PM
Why not try it, spec twin terrors with a bow, I'm sure you'll have no regrets. :P
Last edited by Zomb1ek1ller on Mar 28, 2014, 10:09:36 PM
BoswerLK wrote:

physical mitigation isn't gonna save you from bosses. all the most dangerous ones deal elemental (piety, dom, shock and horror, fire dog, weaver's chaos, the lit thorns boss, dom's blackguard trio, that asshole from orchard, museum trio, caliga, etc). kole is the scariest of the phys bosses, but he's easy to dodge. phys mitigation is only for trash mobs, and IR+grace with decent eva/ar gear is more than enough for that. it's why my build drops purity and BM clarity entirely, so I can counter bosses with the proper purity of x when needed

other notable phys bosses...the library guy's tornados are degen, so that'll ignore phys mitigation anyways. the fish in labyrinth, only uses EK from range, and it's a coc style EK like ours, so cwdt IC will do a good job stopping that anyways, and if you stay in his face, he'll just do his regular attack which hits like a kitten. puncture archer your antibleed, and then he's fodder. perpetus is annoying cuz it's hard to see the bear traps in the chaos of battle, but if you just keep moving to a different spot, and be ready with leap slam on weapon switch to get out of the way if you do get caught, he doesn't really chase very aggressively, and his EK is short ranged

there's vaal and his random rocks I guess. so lit coil would be nice there...but that's about it

I cannot think of a single dangerous phys damage exile. igna phoenix is the most dangerous, and she's all fire. the desync charge viper strike ones are chaos, the LA one is lightning, and I can't really think of another exile that I've ever seen actually kill anyone

skel army being wiped is why I'm stubborn and still prefer an old school high mana cost skel totem to the low mana cost coc skel setup, though with your 5l voll's the coc skels should work perfectly fine by swapping cold snap out with skels on your main barrage

life nodes are only important up until a point. 250 increased from tree is already excellent. 300+ is melee facetank territory. getting high hp is achieved by stacking 90+ life on all your gear pieces and trying to take str nodes over others from the tree whenever you can for even more base life. the latter's not really an option for us

I really can't comment much on 77+, but 3.4k hp has been fine up to 76, and I pretty much always sign up for the most rippest of map mods, cuz I find them the funnest. ...and they're also free. just remember each seething you carry is like artificially extending your hp pool by 1.2k, as long as you don't die in one hit and have the reflexes for it. I only carry one, and it sees me through most fights

not caliga though. he just dodges barrage way too well. for him I just do what damage I can then back off when I'm low on pot charges and hopefully the others can finish the job, or they'll wipe and I can leave the room and reload flasks on stragglers around the map then come back for more

and weaver needs fire aoe damage and high chaos resist. which I don't have, so I'm always ready to tp out when everyone else inevitably wipes in seconds when I do her, cuz even with our damage output...we cannot control adds with 6 player hp by ourselves

this is extremely helpful, because i've been playing a lot of cyclone duelist which is mainly facetanking with godly gear.

However after facing these bosses with 3.4k hp, what body armour do you use, and why?

What is the your trick to survivabilty and do you even go for the strongboxes? I think i'd really enjoy a build that can survive when opening rare strongboxes (especially with that 2 second desync for a lot of our computers)

if possible, could you link your gear and set up?

Finally please elaborate on how you plan on improving your gear in the future if you do choose to :)
Last edited by bowen123 on Mar 28, 2014, 11:19:32 PM
Zomb1ek1ller wrote:
Why not try it, spec twin terrors with a bow, I'm sure you'll have no regrets. :P

ok so i just need to specc out of those 4-5 node to get twin terror and this is it?
xenochaos1 wrote:
Zomb1ek1ller wrote:
Why not try it, spec twin terrors with a bow, I'm sure you'll have no regrets. :P

ok so i just need to specc out of those 4-5 node to get twin terror and this is it?

im pretty sure he was being sarcastic. lol. ironic because u use REGRET orbs to spec out of stuff LOL. okay bad pun.
you've actually seen it before

BoswerLK wrote:

bowen123 wrote:
I feel theres still parts of this build that are not updated, like what end game gear / set up should be.

Sighhh was really loooking forward to starting a barrager.

Anyone know a barrage coc guide similar to this but with more progress and development for endgame?

my variant's spent 6 chaos and does ~30k dps in a 5l, and still has room to improve. I think it's fine for endgame leagues, just stack more multi and spell damage as your defense allows. damage was still solid in 6 man 75s

endgame standard is obviously something entirely different. anything that isn't 6 digit dps is pretty much complete trash...and is impossible to achieve without legacy + mirrored crafted gear that people spent years making

she was my last char in dom, so gear choice was basically, league is ending, no time to shop, make do with whatever I could find in stash or buy immediately. gear is pretty terrible, but it has the core things this build needs

strongboxes didn't exist back then, but my current trick is smoke mine. tag the box and press d immediately. box opening has a delay, as does most of the effects besides freeze. you'll need an antifreeze pot for those

low level lightning warp precast should work too, but smoke mine's easier to time

setting up some skels and/or conversion traps before hand for meatshields while our pcs stop lagging is nice too

improvements would be get a rat's nest, cuz my hat doesn't do much besides look pretty, and just life+res+acc on everything else. any rare chest with some real stats would be nice too

surgeon warding qs flask would be nice, so I can switch regen flask to surgeon antifreeze
Last edited by BoswerLK on Mar 29, 2014, 1:06:21 AM
yeah, right now im running in like 70-71 maps with full party and can kill things in a few hits, but i am using rat's nest + voll's ..... will definately want to use maligaros once i switch out of voll's.

Voll's is actually really great but it just lacks two major components for me, and that is the amount we invest in mana + survivability without summon skeletons.

Eveytime i play i would get around 5-6 minor heart attacks but i can kite well enough to escape. Also I have to invest 3-4 extra nodes just for mana and mana regen due to the half of mana thing. my mana pool is 19 right now with a bunch of mana nodes + lvl 18 reduced mana :(

I can cast barrage fairly well, but if i keep using it i end up just not casting much at all... and with all the projectiles and fire flying around in a party i think im attacking but not really and i die LOL. especially with summoners (superlag)

IF we can get life above 5K and mana above 30+ i would be SOOO HAPPY WITH VOLLS.

How was ur survivability when you ran dominations with your 5L? Did u have to kite around or were u just tanking things no problem?

This is a fairly new build so maybe not a lot of ppl have used it for end game (as of 1.1.1 update at least) :(

just want to know which chest would be optimal because i do not have the currency to experiment all the 6L chests although i wish i could! LOL would make my day just running around in 6L killing shit :P

^ anyways i was thinking either a 6L belly of the beast or 6L high ev or ar chest with life and resistences, where we can switch in maligaros :D

EDIT: thought about chain + power crit gem .... since we are hitting a lot with chain wouldn't we get power charges just as well as voll's ?
Last edited by bowen123 on Mar 29, 2014, 2:20:24 AM
bowen123 wrote:
yeah, right now im running in like 70-71 maps with full party and can kill things in a few hits, but i am using rat's nest + voll's ..... will definately want to use maligaros once i switch out of voll's.

Voll's is actually really great but it just lacks two major components for me, and that is the amount we invest in mana + survivability without summon skeletons.

Eveytime i play i would get around 5-6 minor heart attacks but i can kite well enough to escape. Also I have to invest 3-4 extra nodes just for mana and mana regen due to the half of mana thing. my mana pool is 19 right now with a bunch of mana nodes + lvl 18 reduced mana :(

I can cast barrage fairly well, but if i keep using it i end up just not casting much at all... and with all the projectiles and fire flying around in a party i think im attacking but not really and i die LOL. especially with summoners (superlag)

IF we can get life above 5K and mana above 30+ i would be SOOO HAPPY WITH VOLLS.

How was ur survivability when you ran dominations with your 5L? Did u have to kite around or were u just tanking things no problem?

This is a fairly new build so maybe not a lot of ppl have used it for end game (as of 1.1.1 update at least) :(

just want to know which chest would be optimal because i do not have the currency to experiment all the 6L chests although i wish i could! LOL would make my day just running around in 6L killing shit :P

^ anyways i was thinking either a 6L belly of the beast or 6L high ev or ar chest with life and resistences, where we can switch in maligaros :D

EDIT: thought about chain + power crit gem .... since we are hitting a lot with chain wouldn't we get power charges just as well as voll's ?

if I see something dangerous like devourers or sub damage aura I might reposition. I generally don't actively kite anything that's not a dangerous map boss though

otherwise I just run in and shoot on sight. it's probably not as consistent as cold snap, but even with hatred alone at 400% crit multi, you freezelock all whites and most blues for the short amount of time they're alive, so only rares even really get to attack, which is easy to leech through

if it's an easy map I just go full race mode and run past them and round up a few packs, make sure there's no phys reflect cuz otherwise the next step would be foolish, then crit weakness the rares and wipe the screen

pcoc is limited to one charge per action. proc'ed eks do count as a separate action, but ek doesn't really have a great base crit rate. it wouldn't give you enough charges to sustain cold snap, which is the main use of voll's. you'd also be out of slots anyways
yes i was thinking of switching out cs for chain when switching out of volls

how often do we hit 5power charges with barrage-coc-chain-ek-pcoc-ll ?
we're always at 5 charges even without chain...10 seconds is a long time in this game, and we generate around 2 charges per barrage on average. maintaining charges is a nonissue. I maintain 3 frenzy, 5 power, and usually 3 end charges by just starting every fight off with a single frenzy into a crowd then holding down barrage

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