It's a character, not a toon.

Hulkcore wrote:
Am I the only one that has to stifle an irrational rage whenever some refers to their character as a "toon" so that I don't just immediately punch the monitor? I don't know why, but this has become something beyond normal grammar nazism. I know it's ridiculous, but the moment I read that word, I immediately disregard the entire post and cannot bring myself to value the poster's opinion. It's not a fucking toon people, that's not a thing. /rant

Your character avatar had me reaching for the spittoon...
Yeah, don't let it get to you, but personally I like "exile".
Why not call it a toon when all the game comes down to is killing stuff and getting phat loot? The chars have no personality, individualization exists only in terms of combat effectivity and magicfind, you don't get multiple dialogue options, there is no choice and consequence.

Why would you call it a character? It's a toon, or a tool, a means to an end, but by God, it's not a character.
That important eh.
Last edited by Snarftacular on Oct 13, 2013, 10:09:49 PM
I've called my characters toons from playing world of warcraft. The game has cartoony graphics and as such, your character, looks like a cartoon. No one is going to type cartoon all the way out. Thus my character is a toon.
ign: Vixien
vixien wrote:
I've called my characters toons from playing world of warcraft. The game has cartoony graphics and as such, your character, looks like a cartoon. No one is going to type cartoon all the way out. Thus my character is a toon.

But it's not even a correct use of the word cartoon. A cartoon is the show/drawing that the cartoon character appears in. It's an adjective describing the character. So, even if one is referencing cartoons, they are still wrong and they still sound stupid. It's a character, just like every character in a cartoon is still a character. You wouldn't call Luke Skywalker a "movie" or Dumbledore a "book".
IGN EntropicThunder
I'm with you man. I get irrationally infuriated whenever I hear someone utter that god-forsaken word. I don't even know why, nothing else in the English language pisses me off like that.

Sometimes, I'll add people in map parties that are friends with my friends or whatever and they'll say it. I immediately remove them and never map with them again. It kind of hurts my leveling progress, I guess.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
Hulkcore wrote:

But it's not even a correct use of the word cartoon. A cartoon is the show/drawing that the cartoon character appears in. It's an adjective describing the character. So, even if one is referencing cartoons, they are still wrong and they still sound stupid. It's a character, just like every character in a cartoon is still a character. You wouldn't call Luke Skywalker a "movie" or Dumbledore a "book".

I prefer to call my character - jackass.
Last edited by Elynole on Sep 21, 2013, 2:20:06 PM
It seems to me that the proper abbreviation for character would be char (spoken as "car").

Still, toon is established, and it meets the main prerequisites: one syllable, four letters or less. I don't give a fuck as long as it's easy to say and easy to type.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Sep 21, 2013, 2:30:05 PM

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