[1.1] Davos Seaworth's Elemental Split Arrow Build - Solo every map with ease!

sorry if this has been answered, but currently the other ele arrow skills like burning arrow do more than frenzy, so atm i apply 4 frenzy stacks and then use burning arrow to do more damage to single targets. wanted to hear more detailed reasoning on taking frenzy over other skills.

thanks :)
Hi again, new question!

Should we be qualitying Chain?

Also, regarding Blood Magic quality. Does the attack speed bonus only apply to the linked skill, or to everything? If it applies to everything, does it stack if you have several blood magic gems with quality?

USBastard wrote:
Hi again, new question!

Should we be qualitying Chain?

Also, regarding Blood Magic quality. Does the attack speed bonus only apply to the linked skill, or to everything? If it applies to everything, does it stack if you have several blood magic gems with quality?


No, don't worry about quality on chain. Proj speed won't benefit you much.

As for your other question, a support gem will never affect anything other than the skill gem it is linked to.
IGN: EmpathicAmoeba

I'm looking for some help. Have followed your guide and found it lots of fun. Am wondering where the massive amounts of damage your quoting come from? Currently I am trying to fight my way through some basic lvl 66 maps and its near impossible.

This is my current gear

Really am hoping you can help.

There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
essemoni wrote:

I'm looking for some help. Have followed your guide and found it lots of fun. Am wondering where the massive amounts of damage your quoting come from? Currently I am trying to fight my way through some basic lvl 66 maps and its near impossible.

This is my current gear

Really am hoping you can help.


I'm not a specialist of bows but yours looks incredibad.
Yes it's a 6L but no attack speed and near to zero elem damage is I guess your problem

Here is what the OP said about bows

your weapon should have a total of at least 40 min and 150 max elemental damage and an attack speed of 1.50 or higher
Thanks for that ...

Alas, the RNG has been shite to me and after dropping all my currency into it the bow is now worse than it was before.

I have effectively neutered my character :(

40 to 150 elemental damage? Try less than 20 :( :(

Sigh ... time for a new character so I can try and build up some more currency...

There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
essemoni wrote:
Thanks for that ...

Alas, the RNG has been shite to me and after dropping all my currency into it the bow is now worse than it was before.

I have effectively neutered my character :(

40 to 150 elemental damage? Try less than 20 :( :(

Sigh ... time for a new character so I can try and build up some more currency...


You can just buy a higher level bow with triple elemental (but no attack speed) for 3 or so chaos. Its not going to need lots and lots of currency, just 3 - 4 stacks of alts/chroms/jewls, totally doable in 1 day.
essemoni wrote:

I'm looking for some help. Have followed your guide and found it lots of fun. Am wondering where the massive amounts of damage your quoting come from? Currently I am trying to fight my way through some basic lvl 66 maps and its near impossible.

This is my current gear

Really am hoping you can help.


Why in god's name are you using Faster Projectiles instead of Faster Attacks?
IGN: EmpathicAmoeba
Leveling a Duelist with this build at the moment... trying to get some gear for him on my main and managed to yolo-alch this bow:


You reckon it could be worth it to exalt it and maybe get Lightning Damage? :P It's ivl70 so not the best but not the worst either.

I also found this one a few days ago but I'd say it's not that good:
this build is awesome to lvl with, 68 atm.

Damage is starting to slack though.. This build is so gear dependent, and the dps in group aint that good.
But still kicking 1hitting solo everything!

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