Anyone else join because of Kripp/Chris Stream?

Just curious if there are any other folks that joined up because they were impressed with what they saw during the OBW on Kripp's stream.
I must say that i think the funniest part of the whole stream conversation between Kripp/Chris, was when Chris was talking about running into an unkillable pack in Inferno D3, he said he got so frustrated he came back to POE to make sure they weren't any unkillable mobs. LOL good stuff there.
There are, however, totems that grant invulnerability to nearby minions until you kill them. They can sometimes be pretty annoying xD
Watched half of the interview, will watch the rest tonight. I have been a supporter since early June and I must say that there are a lot of impressive things in this game. So welcome and have a blast.
IGN: ImmortalFang
I joined after watching his Review of PoE. Currently at work, waiting to get off so I can try it out!
the game is still in beta, but even so, it's a far cry from being the broken beta that other 3rd gen games are.

i dontated my initial 10 bucks, played it for a while and upgraded to silver.
this game will be well worth it in the end.
yea, I haven't watched it yet. fully intend to though
Nope. Unlike many, there are some games I am sure about that I don't need an idolized face telling me what to go for except for...D3. That was a kick in the nads. Caught the stream however, when it went live (been playing over 2 months) I did catch the show and it was fairly informative as to what they are tackling next.
"How would you like it if I snuck into your country and did this job over there... and not cash in any of your friggin checks?!! You WONT!! Because you will be right here!!" - Master Shake.
I'm a huge fan of Kripparrian and love his vids, thats why i was pretty excited about him playing PoE but no, i didnt start playing the game because of him, just heard of it in the Diablo 3 forum (irony, isn't it?).

Still its great that such commonly known players with a huge youtube fanbase play PoE. dont care what those 2 fuks
nah a friend gave me the site :)

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