3.20.1 Patch Notes Preview

0mmr wrote:
Hey, GGG.
Can you tell how to deal with "Lose 10 Resolve when you use a Flask" in Sanctum as Pathfinder with everything invested into flask effect+flask sustain with flask enchantment for autouse except to change my build?
Please, change or remove this affliction.

I have the same problem.
This flask has to be up all the time with 2 others and it is game over for me if I get this affliction somehow.
BurstData wrote:
SixCeeding wrote:
Excuse me?

"Fixed a bug where Ancestral Warchief Totems using the Void Ancestral Warchief microtransaction took more damage than intended."

Are we really going to pass over this?! I was under the impression that this could NEVER happen as MTX has NOTHING to do with pay to win! Makes me wonder how much other stuff is going on that we don't know about.. Hmmm...

Can't up vote this enough.

Thats indeed very suspicious 🤨
Xernobog wrote:
Can't search for Original Sin Ring and it's not showing up in trade. Looks like it ain't droppin?

How is it even possible that you can know about this ring, want it and search trade, and yet not know why it doesn't exist yet?

The only place it was even shown was in the twitter post stating that you had to do a no hit run in sanctum with the new Unique relics, that literally aren’t in the game yet.

So there’s your answer. Next time try to at least put some effort in before you ask questions like this.
how on earth is this possile?

a microtransaction causes something to take more damage?

GGG that is **SERIOUS**
Patch seemed to mess primeval floor lights for some reason. LOL. They are turned off when I come back to hideout, before patch it was always on, I never even tapped the switch for like a year :(
Thanks GGG!!!
But where are the new CORE Supporter Packs?
Am I missing anything here?
JoeShmo wrote:
So no changes to the ungodly quick and barely telegraphed abilities of sanctum guardians?

So no changes to taking resolve damage for non "telegraphed" attacks contrary to what was stated in the reveal stream?

So no changes to shotgunning sanctum abilities recking all of your resolve in 1 go, or their hitboxes being atrociously larger than their visual?

So no changes to having sanctum portals spawn right in front of you all the time and having them automatically enter them instead of being a choice like all previous league encounters in existence?

So no changes to the overwhelming amount of sanctum penalties that you are forced into, including ones that brick your run, at no fault of your own?

So nothing to actually improve the experience of sanctum for 99% of players, while you spent the whole last 2 weeks working on the gigantic wall of bugs and unique relics / etc. that very few players are able to do ... rather than improving the value of doing sanctum for everyone?

And this will be the last "meaningful" patch for the league, since it's week 2, like the previous leagues for the last couple years.

Great. Good to know.

100 % agree. I'm really disappointed with these minimal changes.
Still is a mini-hardcore mode, content which is in opposite of regular defence layer -armour/block etc. Who's invented this absurd ?
Another league that will be useful 1 month after it launches ... or maybe during future leagues.
I like to be a beta tester (or not)
Fixed a bug where Labyrinth Trials were not spawning in Maps.

Finally, beta is over.
Good Work GGG. Keep it on!

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