Prophecy Removal in 3.17.0

WTF why. GGG just fkin hates HH's huh. Do everything they can to make if feel worse. They just dont want us to fkin map anymore just want us to to the league content and delve and shit. get real. Good bye rats. Good bye Tempests. Goodbye Twins.
really not sure about losing some of these uniques - the Effigon for instance is basically a build enabler all on its own, same with Realm Ender and Crystal Vault to a lesser extent. idk, guess it seems odd to remove this when you have so many unnecessary, smaller things from old leagues cluttering up the game. i feel like you'd be better off getting rid of most of the other pre-Abyss league content since it's mostly either straight up ignored or barely affects anything, aside from Breach which everyone rightly loves
Talismans be like...
Not happy with this at all... Remove Heist instead if you gonna remove something at all...
Quince wrote:
Im not one for conspiracy theories, however removing one of the only black characters from the game makes me think tencent is having a huge decision/impact on the devs. Tencent is known for removing black characters and blood from games, take diablo immortal for example. It makes me wonder how much creative control tencent actually has.

+1 I completely agree.

Also agree with the questions around why choose prophecy to remove as it is non-invasive, completely optional and widely used. I just cannot believe that GGG does not have other areas where dev time would be better spent.

I'm totally fine with them removing prophecies. Only about 1% of them are worth anything anyway and the rest are garbage.........Most players I know don't even bother with using silver coins once they start mapping. I just sell all mine.....Anyway, glad to see the removing something that very few players even use.
Mentoya wrote:
I'm totally fine with them removing prophecies. Only about 1% of them are worth anything anyway and the rest are garbage.........Most players I know don't even bother with using silver coins once they start mapping. I just sell all mine.....Anyway, glad to see the removing something that very few players even use.

Only about 1% of them are worth anything.
Isn't this the same for the entire game?
Rare items, uniques and fun maps.
Last edited by hsuchijp on Dec 1, 2021, 7:57:14 PM

It's good item that can be alternative in some builds and situations. Why remove? Why not add all fated to the game in some way, like vendor recipes?
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf

"Remove Envoy" when?

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