Prophecy Removal in 3.17.0

I think Silverbough is a solid leveling unique!

I've used it many times to level a bow build. I understand it doesn't have much appeal outside of it's high phys and attack speed.

I would like to see it reconsidered kept in the game.
Amazing changes! Prophecy is lame and it's finally gone. Super good reason to run uber Atziri now. Gems shop in HO ;O Oh god this so good. <3
hsuchijp wrote:
Mentoya wrote:
I'm totally fine with them removing prophecies. Only about 1% of them are worth anything anyway and the rest are garbage.........Most players I know don't even bother with using silver coins once they start mapping. I just sell all mine.....Anyway, glad to see the removing something that very few players even use.

Only about 1% of them are worth anything.
Isn't this the same for the entire game?
Rare items, uniques and fun maps.

True, but based upon my conversation with other players, prophecies are mostly ignored by a large percentage of the playerbase, and I think I remember Chris saying something like that in a podcast, which is probably another reason they are getting rid of them...If only a small percentage of players use prophecies, no reason to keep it...
Prophecy was definitely getting a bit long in the tooth, but I'll be sad to lose:

1) Twice enchanted prophecies. Farming lab enchants will now be almost completely dependent on gift to the goddes.

2) Map juicing prophecies. Tempests, frogs, rats, etc. Nice chunk of extra map juice evaporating there. Maybe they'll do something to compensate in terms of new juice being available in 3.17 though.
remove it fine, but, as per usual, you are going about it badly.

Why not keep both versions of the weapons, make the 'better' version less likely to drop, and also have a new currency (you never hate adding new currency) that will, if not always then with a chance, upgrade a unique to the fated version.

Make Navi, who you already paid plenty of money to create and voice - stick around simply as an additional vender you rescue in Act 1? An extra vendor who randomly sells both types of inventories (both the armour/weapons and the stuff the other town vendor sells) would be neat and would help with shopping you might actually do from time to time.
If removing Twice Enchanted Prophecy please remove all the useless Labyrinth enchants no one has ever used or will use
Fucking finally, jesus.

At least it will clean up the unique pool ever so slightly.
If we will not be able to do Pale Council after the removal, what will happen with the Ruler of the Court achievement? Will it be removed too?
WTF, seriously. I personally use prophecy's every league. I use them to juice my map farming, to boost chances for enchants in Labs, and to get 6 links. Will there be any compensation for what you are planning on removing? This actually impacts game play a lot.
rip navali

guess no more twice blessed too then right :'(

*but lily shop is p good
drenched 👌
blue blade flurry mtx plssss
also crystal earth shatter
Last edited by cookie_dinosaur on Dec 1, 2021, 8:30:18 PM

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