Ultimatum Statistics

Last edited by Yusnfczauj on May 27, 2021, 4:24:40 AM
There are many great changes brought to PoE with the Ultimatum league.
With regards to accessibility, originality and rewards the Ultimatum mechanic/fight itself is on the very low end.
It feels underdeveloped, rushed and unbalanced and needs a few rounds of redesign effort to justify its existence in future leagues.
Where are the stats like X amount of players failed their Ultimatum encounter due to hilarious performance / crashes to desktop?

That's an important stat this league. Way more interesting than "only 60% of people completed the Trialmaster" - this comment alone is LUL.
Crazy that most mirror rewards failed or were not taken.

Given the completion rates at roughly 90% across the board Ultimatum seems to be too easy in its current iteration for standard implementation.

Please crank up the difficulty some more: more monster hp, more monster action speed, more monster physical and elemental resistances.

Maybe add a movent speed block ultimatum that makes you movement speed capped at base movement speed on top.
Last edited by zzang on May 27, 2021, 4:50:46 AM
I do not believe the Trialmaster fight actually exists. It is a myth, or maybe a typo.
Have you ever considered trading the sword for the plow, Exile?
My experience, you ask?

The trialmaster encounters are pretty rare and very grindy, but the challenge with conditional defeats of trialmaster is just out of this world, designed by sadists.

Not only we need to find the guy, but to defeat it with very, very tricky condition (the heart one is one of the worst I've ever seen in PoE history).

36/40 is for me this time, even though I always went for 40/40 in the past.

Very unsatisfied about the challenges.
You are so slippery GGG it is cringey. Your defense of the low trialmaster spawn rate is nonsense.

I easily complete every ultimatum I do as my build freezes everything, I have still only come across him 3 times, and I have done way more than 150 maps...
Even if the numbers say otherwise, I still think the trialmaster should show up more often.
I start every encounter that I find, fail like 1/50 trials and basicly never break the trial early. Usually I don't even take a closer look at the rewards, I just check the next mod and go on. Still I haven't seen him until now.

About the "surprisingly" high number of trialmasters not found, there are, at least for me, 2 main reasons for this:
1. People with the mindset "Ultimatum (or at least Stand in the Circles and Survive) aren't worth my time"
2. People with a build that doesn't fit that well to the ultimatum.

These assumptions would also fit to the high completion rate on rank 9. Those people who really do the ultimati, often finish them, while a significant group of players doesn't seem to care about them (anymore).

About the reasons people ksipping the ultimati I can just speculate, but from the limited knowledge I got here, I would say that a part of the player base (especially the "2 minutes per map fraction" doesn't feel like it's rewarding enough.
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
Good league as always ;)
Last edited by ChosenOneReal on Jun 4, 2021, 4:40:17 AM
What a spoiled stats!

Who cares about rewards you didnt have a chance to see in the first place?
Or GGG thinks they added whole line of waves but just forgot to make it observable? xD

This was fastest done league.
Not because its easy, but cuz nothing to do besides challenges rly. Even delve decimated. Not a single ex frim mine. F.


The most important question.
How many of that HH and Mirr was in Streamer server?
And how many for us, plebs?
Last edited by DarkJen on May 27, 2021, 6:04:36 AM

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