Shockwave Totem

Pioneer2 wrote:
If you link added fire damage and fire penetration, will fire penetration work?

Yep, it will increase the fire portion of the damage.
The Amazon Basin: A Community of Friends Playing Games
Last edited by OnmyojiOmn on Mar 20, 2013, 7:25:25 PM
Another question, why is the damage effectiveness 50%? That is kind of confusing to read, why not just halve the damage, and remove that statement?
IGN: ragol
Becasue Damage Effectiveness also applies to flat damage bonuses.
Pioneer2 wrote:
Another question, why is the damage effectiveness 50%? That is kind of confusing to read, why not just halve the damage, and remove that statement?

It's there to reduce things like added damage support gems, auras, etc.
The Amazon Basin: A Community of Friends Playing Games
Do shockwave totems have less total hp (at the same level of gem) than spell totem?

I read through the thread and couldn't find it
Praise Bisco the Doge <3
The gem itself is good, but the fact that it isnt affected by spell damage and limited ways of improving it make its effective use for anything other than a speed bump difficult. if there were flat physical % passives on the tree, maybe in the strength tree and maybe even a few in the shadow tree (because of ethereal knives) it would make its usage more viable. as it stands, there are only 5 ways to increase its damage.

1)Added Fire gem
2)Hatred Aura
3)Flat Physical increasing uniques
4)Redbeak Swords
5)Vulnerability Curse

A simple way to improve both this spell and melee, would be to either add new flat physical item or weapon mods in % (not like the 2 current physical ones) or flat % passives.

currently have 95% increased physical damage from items, and that extra 25-34% that comes from vulnerability. what also makes this nice? hellooooooo bear trap.

State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
projectile damage should work too, but i don't trust my memory right now.
edit: yay memory WAS wrong, i thought i was answering an EK question XD
Last edited by soul4hdwn on May 4, 2013, 1:28:57 AM
soul4hdwn wrote:
projectile damage should work too, but i don't trust my memory right now.

It's a point-blank AoE, not a Projectile, silly Soul.

Raghin wrote:
flat physical % passives

A bonus cannot be flat and percent-based at the same time :P
'Flat' implies it's an integer, such as Anger or Wrath.
yes i know i worded that wrong, dont exactly know what to call non pure melee physical increasers without saying it like that
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
This totem don't work on stairs correctly: if enemy stand higher or lower than the totem, the totem will not shoot waves.

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