
It's looking good boys, I'm like 95% starting this now. Fingers crossed nothing substantial to TR itself and it's a go! Based on my early POB'ing I'm down to 29 rad, so I gotta get another AOE roll on ring or something and we back up to 30 with the increased damage. This is a buff!
Totalubnub wrote:
Deadeye now a viable choice with the changes? granted youd have to stack alot of aoe but perma tailwind as well as gale ward for def seems really good, on top of the 3 mirage archers and free +2 arrows it just seems made for TR to me anyways.

The 3 mirage archers and +2 arrows don't increase single target dps though (edit: although they help dps if you're moving around). You can get a lot more pods down faster, but they won't overlap for single target. I guess this is good for the Maven arena fight where bosses will be everywhere though. I'm still debating which class to pick.
Last edited by EvilManifested on Jan 12, 2021, 12:13:40 AM
The 3 mirage archers and +2 arrows don't increase single target dps though

How does 3x archers not increase single target, assuming they're all in range?
I was thinking of starting as a Deadeye to see how it feels and if its bad or just not good enough in the flask area ill swap over to PF, also was wondering the same thing, 3 mirage archers if they all attack the same target is like a stupid damage boost is it not? and with the mirage archer duration small nodes in deadeye they last 30% longer before any skill duration boosts from the tree/gear/gems... surely that adds up if you can pull it off?
What do you think of deadeye? 3 mirage archers can stack pods really fast.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
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What are your thoughts on levelling using TR mines vs self cast?
I always prefer self cast, but just for personal preference, I think is faster to map that way.

I think Deadeye with the 3 mirage archers could be a good way to stacks multiple pods from Toxic Rain, I think it could be a huge boost to damage.

What do you think about it?
majiapowa wrote:
What are your thoughts on levelling using TR mines vs self cast?

I'm totally not into mines\traps playstyle, but after I tried TR mines for leveling (with detonate on LMB where you move) I would never do it with self cast anymore. at some point late story or early maps i go self cast again
Hi everyone! i am on that will switch from Trickster to this i think following the nerf :)

just a question:
Does % increased Area Damage works on TR ?

thank you

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