Madprofe55or want you have beta key

Madprofe55or have more beta key. Madprofe55or want know favoritest video game villain. Madprofe55or want know why. Madprofe55or not care grammar. Madprofe55or care content. Madprofe55or choose winner tomorrow.

<ooc> For those of you who don't get what I'm asking, write in this thread who your favorite video game villain of all time is. And explain why. I will pick the winner tomorrow, and that winner will receive a beta key. I don't really care if your grammar and spelling are tip-top, and will judge mainly on content. Anyone who knows me, knows this is legit. </ooc>

favorite video game villain? it would have to be.... GlaDoS from portal 1 and 2, because they actually took time to make her make you hate her, and it was a nice thrill since the character development was improved in the 2nd one, and made her a likeable character at the end of 2, even though you hated her guts all the way through 1, and over half way through of 2.
Last edited by thebluearcane on Apr 9, 2012, 11:55:06 AM
Vergil from Devil May Cry.

First of all he is one cool badass. He is also a swordsman, probably one of the best I've ever seen in games, and you can bet he is good with a sword: crazy speed + insane techiques. also his katana can cut through the hell do you counter something like that?

Also, at the end of DMC 3 he decided to pay for what he did by willingly remain in the demon world, refusing Dante's help.

Edit:I know you said you didn't care about grammar, but I wanted to fix a few mistakes
Last edited by lonko on Apr 9, 2012, 12:16:22 PM
Gary from Pokemons :D

I think this one )
Here's my chance?!
I like GlaDoS as well, but since thebluearcane just wrote about her, I looked through my old games and found the one, the game I loved.
So my favourite video game villain is Hecubah or the necromancer queen from Nox. She was introduced in an amusing way if you remember. I think that while playing, one or two times you would meet her, but she just ran away. However what I liked most, is that when the main character died, an image depicting his defeat would appear and Hecubah would laugh in his (your) face, telling you what a failure you are. Those messages would differ throughout levels and give you a different side of the story. Mainly she was an evil bi*ch, I guess, but that was funny.

Pyramid Head: Silent Hill
I really enjoyed bioshock and its villan Andrew Ryan. If you haven't played bioshock, he's the "mad scientist" behind Rapture and all its crazies. Everytime I would hear his voice speaking of his ambitions and projects while I was discovering Rapture I would get shivers down my spine. Such a great character!
The Witch from an old Amiga game called Superfrog. She sucks.

I think the most favourited video game villian has got to be SEPHIROTH from the Final Fantasy series. He is such a badass. He has a long sword and has wings, which was caused by biological experiments.HE even kills AERIS, who is a girl..... bad ass written all over that.He could fly and disipear whenever he wanted.... more baddasss written all over it..... The most epic part of his background was that he actually was a good guy, time goes on and he finds out his forgotten past,he gets so mad that HE DESTROYS Nibelheim, and after, set it on fire. Most villians just start off having a background story of just being a villian in the beggining. Sephiroth became a vilian midway which makes it more interesting. He also made an appearence in Kingdom Hearts and he was practically unbeatable. He was godlike. Kefka might of been the primary angonist of FF VII but he is shame when if he battles Sephiroth.

TO spread my love of how baddass Sephiroth is:

Last edited by CriticalFinal on Apr 9, 2012, 7:33:20 PM

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