0.10.3c Patch Notes

give name loot back again and add a loot log after trade chat
Just make a option in UI panel "names on loot Y/N" and "loot alocation time 1/3/5 sec".
Whats your GGG problem with giving ppl options ffs?
It will not broke the game. And more importanlty:
If you think something is cool and fun it not implies that your playerbase thinks the same. Youre not alpha nad omega... 5 years ago youre not even a games 'designer'. Not everything that you touch is pure gold.

All i see in this game is Jay Wilson style "you will play in that way because its fun! I may eventually double it for more fun!".

It apllies to any of most hated mechanic.. rng craft, rng endgame blockage, loot system.
PPL hate, you make cosmetic changes (liek this ones) or change plus to minus drastically and still not rly anyone is happy.


They are good in games. PoE needs them.
Last edited by KarraKurri on Mar 19, 2013, 8:08:11 AM
I am all for a system with more personalized loot.
The old system with nametags but with increased timer.
nosideph wrote:
The new system works fine - nerfed ninja looting a bit XD, and yeah reduced the visual chaos when item highlighting is on.

However if we really want to promote fairness, giving the map maker the option to allow locked/instanced loot would definitely solve ninja looting, and the opposite free for all for those who want to maintain the so-called cutthroats feel - this way different players who want to play the game one way or the other would all have a more satisfying experience.

If we want to address screen clutter, it would be great if the dimmed visual applied to the items is applied to other player's summons as well or anything to that effect that will make them not so distracting. The default effect is bypassed though when they purchase cosmetics.

That way other players won't mistake summons for mobs and summoners won't get banned from joining groups.

I would prefer the loot just go away if not looted in time. I want a cooperative focus to my game not people trying to screw each other.
Nobody really gives a fuck about your dps.
Nobody really cares about your idea of "proper" etiquette amongst randoms.
Nobody really cares you couldn't loot something, especially when you had an advantage.

If you want to worry about how loot is distributed then do it amongst yourselves. That is too much work, in a game, for the majority and not worth it. Yes, it's simple to handle it amongst yourselves. Sorry you're incapable. If you were capable you would not be bitching. Either be more selective of whom you group with and find a group that 100% shares your values in a video game or deal with those trying to take whatever loot they want from you. Because they don't know you, care to know you, or share your views.

Bottom line you have an advantage for "good" loot that drops for you. That's more then I really care for, but it is what it is. If I can get something you had a 2.5 second head start on.. frankly I deserve it more and clearly wanted it more.

This is a video game. There are no rules, this is a common place used as an escape for the majority. Including those that want to escape rules.

Hai guis let us all vote on every single thing in the game from loot to xp per mob. We need more government, err politics, I mean options in our games.
-ign rptd (Hardcore) _riptide (default and that's an underscore too)
Last edited by riptid3 on Mar 19, 2013, 9:26:56 AM
Thank you for removing the names from the drops. It was annoying as hell.

This should shut up the group of kids always crying about NINJAS'.

Last edited by Vooodu on Mar 19, 2013, 9:30:56 AM
Vooodu wrote:
Thank you for removing the names from the drops. It was annoying as hell.

This should shut up the group of kids always crying about NINJAS'.

After having tried the new patch I do know one thing: the new loot system is AWESOME! If only the timer wasn't that long so I could snatch sh*t up faster!
Noobs gonna rage, ragers gonna noob!

Thanks GGG for staying with your Vision!

Ps. More money coming at your way soon.

Pps. The whiners are never satisfied no matter what you give them. So don't do it at all. Thx.

PPPs. Have you noticed that all the pro-instanced-loot/pro-loot-options crowd are almost always also non-supporters? Don't want to classify people but it seems that that's the case. What it means is that they've given absolutely nothing for the game, not a single dime, are probably from D3 or similar casual games, new, and are here whining about issues they have absolutely no understanding of. Food for thought, should make you think a bit...
Last edited by mushioov on Mar 19, 2013, 9:49:04 AM
KarraKurri wrote:
Just make a option in UI panel "names on loot Y/N" and "loot alocation time 1/3/5 sec".
Whats your GGG problem with giving ppl options ffs?

They'd have to swallow pride and admit they were wrong?

It is the the only conclusion I have left. OR they really do want to drive the casual playerbase (and their money) away and would prefer the small tight, group of "hardcores" (which is after all, what such players constantly tell us in the forums). This seems hard to believe though, but is beginning to appear more likely!!

Let's hope that group keep shelling out for the next 10 years.
Did you know level 91 is the halfway point to level 100? This means that a softcore character dying ONCE at level 85+ can lose many days of progress.
My group has properly adapted to the new looting system and I feel that the removal of magic items from the allocation pool was good move. Insofar, I enjoy the current system and I feel that its a step in the right direction.

On the topic of loot, I'd actually hope to see for customizable loot visibility. As a group, we often run maps with >80% quantity and being able to filter what items we'd like seen would be a huge boon for us. Perhaps something for future consideration?
Last edited by Lyralei on Mar 19, 2013, 9:44:58 AM

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