Top 5 games you ever finished?

1. fallout 2 - best from f. series
2. gothic 2 - g3 = sh1t, g1 was very good
3. half-life - first one was for me propably better than second...but its slose
4. no one life forever - not sure which one was better 1 or 2..
5. far cry - u have many ways like to get close to ur enemies i like it..

best online game - counter-strike - playing till now its about 12 years +/- proly..
Gothic 4
Crysis 2
Dungeon Siege 3
Sacred 2
Two Wordls 2
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Diablo II: LoD
- Amnesia
- Zelda
- Diablo
- Halo 1: combat evolve
-might & magic 6
-knights of the round
Well, I am crazy RPG fan and this is my top 5.

1.Mass effect series
2.Dragon age origins
3.Diablo 2
4.Fallout 3
5.Warcraft 3 and frozen throne(best RTS campaign forever)
1: Final Fantasy VII
2: Final Fantasy IX
3: Warcraft III
4: Diablo II
5: Dragon Age Origins
1:Dungeon Siege 2
3:F.E.A.R 3
4:Serious Sam
5:Warcraft 3
1. Killer 7
2. Persona 4
3. Red Dead Redemption
4. LoZ: The Windwaker
5. Arcanum
1. WoW - only game i ever played was the 1st MMO.

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