Is syndicate grossly overtuned?

Shagsbeard wrote:
This game is always like that. You have to understand what's going on, and until you do it's seems "overtuned".

0 challenges

...gonna wait until the end of league to skip everything and post on the forum acting like he knows better than anyone else like the last 3 leagues...

There are White Syn mobs that blow out nearly 2k damage on normal attacks, in packs of 4 or more, sitting in tiny areas watched by BS turrets, tele mobs, and fucking Syn bosses that can attack cross screen/instant/AoE/warp/and heal like nobody's business.

So maybe actually play the damn thing before making sweeping statements of how things aren't an issue...
Last edited by LeetbakaDX on Dec 11, 2018, 12:07:41 AM
Map syndicates are pure bs.
"The launch day went quite well with just a few small hotfixes to address minor problems."

Heist League - GGG
For every "gaem 2 hard" you also get an elite "gaem 2 ez nerf melee".

But yea this reminds me back when Order of the Frozen Sky was 1 shotting people in HC league... except Bloodlines didn't give out crazy chests to open end of instance.

I am sure GGG think having these syndicates to charge/leap/teleport right on your ass and one shot you with a quarter second wind up move is a good way to balance out melee vs ranged, cept it's not.

And thanks for nerfing melee again GGG and somehow I wasn't surprised.
The real hardcore PoE players and the elites sit in town and zoning in and out of their hideouts trading items. Noobs that don't know how to play PoE correctly, kill monsters for items. It's pure fact, it will never change.

Welcome to PoE.
Yes they are. Map syndicates are not worth the time and risk, I just skip every one of them. I wish they could be turned off.

Edit: And with "not worth the time" I don't mean losing 10 seconds with some super clearspeedmeta build. Trying to take the syndicates down for 5 minutes straight and not getting the job done is just frustrating.
Ground Slam, now and forever.
Last edited by Maukka4ever on Dec 11, 2018, 9:36:38 AM
I'm trying to do Yellow map and dear fucking god the syndicate just do too much damage with the mods and lets not forgot about the never ending army of garbage they spawn too, you just can't see shit anymore and going in there with a melee char is crazy, it clearly feel it was not tested for melee at all.
Syndicate is good, i will enjoy it while it last :D

until crybabies demand to nerf them
paying customer has always right

For the farmers, Betrayal is like finding out your crack dealer moved to a trailer park ten minutes away. Takes longer to get your fix now, but somehow you'll manage to get a ride.

illundreal wrote:
Not to mention all the visual clutter on screen making the fights extra hard to figure out what's happening.

That's the biggest problem. You can't even dodge that shit.
Sub level 30 it was hard becasue of bad gear and poor gem links, it got easier after that.

Once you reach maps it becomes crazy hard again, full on one shots. Blink and you’re dead.
So far level 1-40 and I have treated syndicates like every other mob group introduced into the game seasons for years now and skipped them after messing around with them between level 1-15 and deciding it isn't worth it at all even on soft core.

With people being one shot in mapping constantly with 5k + hp I don't see it changing.
Last edited by johnce6 on Dec 11, 2018, 11:09:02 AM

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