You will be able to catch beasts in Flashback. Hell yeah! Wait...

TheAshmaker wrote:
Bestiality league sucks because of the core concept. Not because of RNG, slower game play, etc. The core idea is moronic, unfun, and belongs in another type of game.

Shagsbeard wrote:
Wont be playing it. Hope they realize that Bestiary will ruin the core game. But if it goes core, it's over guys.

The only thing moronic about bestiary league, is what trash you guys keep spewing. Seriously WTF.
MasterAxe wrote:
TheAshmaker wrote:
Bestiality league sucks because of the core concept. Not because of RNG, slower game play, etc. The core idea is moronic, unfun, and belongs in another type of game.

Shagsbeard wrote:
Wont be playing it. Hope they realize that Bestiary will ruin the core game. But if it goes core, it's over guys.

The only thing moronic about bestiary league, is what trash you guys keep spewing. Seriously WTF.!
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
Some people like it, and others don't. I'm in the "don't" camp. They've sort of addressed two of my three concerns, but have left the nets as inventory items in the game. Wont be playing it so long as they do. Maybe they'll fix it. They could give a special currency pouch. They could simply remove the things. But wont be playing the game with nets clogging up my inventory.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Some people like it, and others don't. I'm in the "don't" camp. They've sort of addressed two of my three concerns, but have left the nets as inventory items in the game. Wont be playing it so long as they do. Maybe they'll fix it. They could give a special currency pouch. They could simply remove the things. But wont be playing the game with nets clogging up my inventory.

I agree with you on the nets in inventory thing, but mostly because of principle -- not because the one net you have to carry (two if you want to carry necromancy nets on you) is game breaking, but because it's a bad precedent.

That being said, what a strange line to draw on being out for good. I can't blame you though, I enjoyed D3 until one change...soul bound. That was my one thing. Never went back.
kuciol wrote:
You also say that the crafts are useless. Do you have a brain? It gives you free chaos spam! It gives you options! It not like they removed all others forms of crafting. Most players dont chaos spam items, they dont craft, they use currency to buy items, always. Now they can try to reroll some items since its free. Maybe with saved up currency they will try some zana mods? So tell me how getting more OPTIONS is bad? I just cant get it. On top of that there are about 20 very usefull recipes even if you dont roll items.

I may understand that players may not like bestiary but most reasons you give are simply retarded. To random? OK. To rare? Also OK but ffs keeping 2 nets in inventory? Thats just stupid. Beasts are to strong? Even more stupid....

You say it's a free chaos spam, but it both is and isn't.

First the is: yes there are recipes that permit this re-roll without spending a chaos orb.

Now the isn't: there actually is a cost and it's the real currency of PoE - time. In order to obtain the 'free' re-roll you need to invest an amount of time to accumulate and process everything.

This is my key issue with the league and the mechanic itself, it's just another level of nested RNG which is annoyingly tedious. You spend time searching for beasts (rng), then fight and capture them, then you fight a bunch of them together again, then you 'craft' which is really just random spamming (rng).

The disappointing reality is that in the time you took to do all that, you could likely have found 10 times the amount of currency just playing the game or the chaos recipe. It's a time trap from GGG designed to give you the illusion of success but it's just another way to slow your progress.

The concept of the beast hunting mini-game isn't necessarily a bad one, but the execution and the rewards are genuinely awful. It's just like Harbinger Alteration shards all over again.

I will also say that beasts are frickin annoying while levelling (either trying to kill or trying to ignore and run away) and for many builds present a real risk. Not all builds are beastly (pun intended) right out the gate and for many beginners they are probably a huge turn-off.

You spend time searching for beasts (rng), then fight and capture them, then you fight a bunch of them together again, then you 'craft' which is really just random spamming (rng).

The disappointing reality is that in the time you took to do all that, you could likely have found 10 times the amount of currency just playing the game or the chaos recipe. It's a time trap from GGG designed to give you the illusion of success but it's just another way to slow your progress.

1. You don't spend any time searching for beasts, you just capture anything you see around.

2. You are not obliged to beastcraft anything except several items for league challenge. There are several good recipes and 100 bad ones, whatever.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Wont be playing it. Hope they realize that Bestiary will ruin the core game. But if it goes core, it's over guys.

They are putting too many annoying things in this game now. I've already started looking for a different game but nothing looks good and i need one that runs on linux (cant get d3 to install).

Mechanics should be optional like breaches and essences, not forced like lab and beasts.

Lab, beasts, phased/immune mobs. No idea what they are doing, but im not having as much fun.

Really feel like im playing wow with some of these mechanics (reason why i played poe)

fwd wrote:

You spend time searching for beasts (rng), then fight and capture them, then you fight a bunch of them together again, then you 'craft' which is really just random spamming (rng).

The disappointing reality is that in the time you took to do all that, you could likely have found 10 times the amount of currency just playing the game or the chaos recipe. It's a time trap from GGG designed to give you the illusion of success but it's just another way to slow your progress.

1. You don't spend any time searching for beasts, you just capture anything you see around.

2. You are not obliged to beastcraft anything except several items for league challenge. There are several good recipes and 100 bad ones, whatever.

The 100 "bad ones" are the equivalent of a free chaos spam w/ a guaranteed single mod from my optic. If you get a base like a marble amulet that you want to roll with a guaranteed mod, and spam it until you have that guaranteed mod + 3-5 other good mods, it's pretty nice. Made quite a bit selling items just doing that.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Wont be playing it. Hope they realize that Bestiary will ruin the core game. But if it goes core, it's over guys.

I seldom agree with the Shags, but on this occasion I 110% agree.

A ton of us fled this league to Standard because it's simply crap. Infecting Standard with it removes that bolthole in case of possible future "problem leagues".

Without Standard to flee to, what would that same percentage of the player base have done? Probably go play another game entirely!

Blindly adding content to the "core game" despite it being such an obvious failure and so unpopular is a completely baffling move to me. Sometimes in a business you just have to own your bad ideas and bin them, not blindly follow them into bankruptcy simply because you invested R & D time into them.
I loved Path of Exile.
I do not love Path of RNG.
Bloom gives me migraines, the over usage of darkness strains my eyes.
Save our game, remove all of the constant RNG and allow us to turn off Bloom or give us an in game brightness control!
My opinion on Bestiary changed a little. I hated it in the beginning because the beasts kept destroying me and I had to run from them. Now it's okay because they can be decent loot, even more so than map bosses it seems..

The real flaw to me, is trying to funking find the monster with your mouse in the middle of absurd spell graphics spam and trash mobs, before it dies, at the right moment to throw a stupid net at it.

It's just impossible at times.

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