THIS COMPETITION ENDED In March the 3´d - Page 5 !


I don't like the character desgins. The way they look, mainly. But that might only be me. I also don't like that there is no autoattacking! playing a marauder is almost impossible if you have to click on everyone single monster individually.

I just participated in the public stress test weekend and I have to say I enjoyed the game very much.

The main thing I didn't like about the game is the skill tree as it's too big. I think it would be better if it was more like the talent trees in World of Warcraft by Blizzard, atleast then I wouldn't feel so overwhelmed and dread spending my skill points because of it.

I also didn't like that the characters are gender specific and therefore I only have 2 character choices I can play as I prefer to play a female character being that I myself am female and have been from birth lol. I would like to see an auto attack feature in the game and also separate loot when you're in a party so that each person only sees their own loot that way nobody gets better items than the others in the party.

There is one bad thing - the map, which isnt realy clear.

Im sorry, didnt spot the end of bad :(
Last edited by DIOM on Apr 2, 2012, 4:23:34 PM
42 - it is the answer to life the universe and everything :D

About the game though, I would like to see faster monsters that scare the sh** out of you when they jump out and I'd like the magic efects to be more eye intense, such as a fireball blast that has that blinding explosion when it hits. You get disoriented and start to panic when monsters swarm you. :D
The number of choice is 149, and one bad thing about the game is as follows: not enough variety in enemies! The crabs, especially, get old really fast. And boring enemies tend to make a boring game. Also, I want a slider in the options so i can change FoV.
That's it for now.
Um i do hope that you know that this contest is over as said in page 5
Last edited by Daranu on Apr 3, 2012, 5:36:10 AM

Raised minions should not be target-able. Played with my buddy over the test weekend and having a dozen zombies/skeletons swarm around is very annoying to deal with. A lot of the time when I click to attack or move, I end up using mana needlessly on a minion, or start to follow them around for a short second.

As a Marauder, I was mayd!

I think that they could make the Dual Wielding feel a little more powerful. I didn't feel the weight behind the blows as much as with my archer for instance

A little more variety to enemy skills would vary things up a bit. Reserving them to autoattacks makes most situations predictable.
Number: 236

Thing i hate about Path of Exile: (played one day of stress test sadly which was the last day) But what i hate is the fact on how easy it is to kite the last boss of Act 1 and kill it while not taking any damage from it, But also on how the enemies themselves seem rather stiff,clunky. Also The values of support gems Need fixing. (yes i am aware its a beta and also i have mentioned this before along with other things)

And i leave you with this: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (not sure why i came back to add the sparkle throwing) im way late >.>
Last edited by Nyacake on Apr 3, 2012, 6:07:04 AM

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