3.2.0b Patch Notes

FadeXF wrote:
Oh... but I get it... you must have inventory management in your game to drive sales towards stash tabs. My bad.

Inventory =/= stash tabs. And in terms of stash tabs, the nets hardly promote them. They take up a tiny 1x1 slot and have a pretty decent stack limit, especially considering that you eventually only use them on the odd red or yellow Bestiary mob. While even that small bit of extra space taken up makes a difference in your inventory, it barely makes a difference in your stash. And this is coming from a player who doesn't have many stash tabs. I may not agree with them about the net mechanic myself, but that doesn't mean I suspect them of being disingenuous for choosing it.
does this include the nvidia driver update thingy causing random crashes whenever, wherever without warning!? if not, then i will sue you and demand that you give me a combined sin and innocence body armour as a compensation for the shit i gone through!
seriously speaking, i was 99.9% done killing the deprived trinity when i crashed 1-2 hits from it's death, like 1-5% hp remaining!
I usually do not read popular posts again after i made a comment on it, unless it's one of my own. I wish to have a Black robed Grim Reaper micro set in game one day, grant my wish, GGG
Odai wrote:
Wertyweu wrote:
Added "Necromancy Nets"


GGG must really love the speedrun meta and the 1% club... even tho so nearly 50% voted for a clear NO they still decided to put it in -.-

i dont see that clear NO here
No 48.07%
Yes, but more common 25.72%
Yes, but more rare 26.21%
also did you read the whole post before voting?

If "No" gets more than 50% of votes, then it wins and we won't add the nets. If any combination of "Yes" gets 50% of votes or more, then they will be added. "Yes, but more common" will only be selected if it gets 50% of total votes itself (so "Yes, but more rare" is the middle ground and default option if neither of the others reaches 50%).

no queen rules forever, my daughter
maybe adding a rule to program at least “bestiary mod rare monsters cant shatterd” ?
Give me your heart,
And i will give you beauty,
Beyond your darkest dreams. -Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
When are you going to fix map drops????

I cannot understand why ggg does not want us to play thier game. Progression should never be tied to rng like random bad map drops. Couple that with awful boss loot drops and why would you kill a boss more than once?

Easy fix guarenteed corrupted map drops by bosses of the same tier or higher exept for guadian maps. Game fixed! Please pretty please ggg i want to play!?8
So how will we call it, necro nets, dead nets or whiners nets?
Can we instead just have Catarina run with us and resurrect the beast if we pay her (Insert currency here) for the trouble? Feels same as having these necromancy nets.
Bestiary League ruined :/.
Those nets will be the death of this league.

Enjoying the fact they ruled out the 48% that said no.

If you were just going to do it that way then make it one YES. That is some Grade-A Bullshit like really. Worst decision ever.

I hope bunches of people break the league because of this decision. I on the other hand will never use them and only trash them. NOT VENDOR. Vendoring means i get currency off them, something i don't want ever from broken game mechanics.
Three things need to happen:
1) Removal of nets from our inventory. Either a separate currency pouch or simply remote access to them in our stash. Not carrying tools around with me.
2) Messages need to be removed while in the wild. Save that shit for town.
3) Targeting needs to be done out of combat. Stopping doing what you're doing to tag a creature isn't fun.
They should increase the size of the Blood Altar Arena just like Chimera Arena, maybe little less.
Some fights are madness in those little arena.

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