Path of Exile 3.1.0: War for the Atlas Patch Notes

MFJones wrote:

chris why do you keep nerfing things? do you just want us to play vanilla sunder builds for the rest of our lives? seems like such a waste considering how much potential the game has for more creative builds. CAN WE HAVE CAST ON CRIT BACK ALREADY? why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

They are obviously trying to enforce party playing and trading.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
Reform93 wrote:
rip lion's roar.

I assume the % melee damage will still be there, and they will remove chance to flee from flask mod. Would be very stupid to actually remove the % damage for one flask that works with pure physical builds.
If they do, however, then rip indeed, and that change is completely stupid.
Last edited by Songweaver on Dec 6, 2017, 12:12:48 AM
MFJones wrote:

My concerns are continuosly being buried by people who have $0 - $50 supporter packs and highest characters at level 90 so i will have to repost. I WANT AN ANSWER GGG.

chris why do you keep nerfing things? do you just want us to play vanilla sunder builds for the rest of our lives? seems like such a waste considering how much potential the game has for more creative builds. CAN WE HAVE CAST ON CRIT BACK ALREADY? why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

Meanwhile we still have builds like traps and mine builds running rampant and one shotting end-game content like atziri, shaper, and uber izario. how is this fair??? i've been supporting this game since closed beta (look at my supporter packs) and i only end up playing less and less patch after patch simply because there just aren't enough fun builds for me to try anymore

why???? back then when i played HC i would roll 10-15 builds each league. now i can barely justifying rerolling more than 1 character because nothing interests me anymore. your NEW content is made obsolete becausee you're changing and forcing the meta too much. you guys need to relax on the nerfing. this game should allow players the freedom to play and create what they want. PLUS, most of these things being nerfed are mostly high-end stuff that majority of players won't be able to achieve anyway, or takes a lot of time/currency investment in order to achieve. I understand nerfing broken and cheap builds but nerfing items like acuity or old builds like CoC just doesnt make any sense to me when there are builds that currently exist that take low currency and time investment to achieve power levels even higher than old CoC (eg. GC mines).

im sorry but if this continues i dont think i can continue to support this game. I am at a point where i am starting to regret the thousands of dollars $$$ i've thrown at you guys because the game just isnt as fun anymore.

too many people are OK with the game nerfing everything to shit. there is almost no build diversity anymore. and this isnt even about playing the most META OP builds. the problem is there are NOT ENOUGH META BUILDS TO PLAY. I can easily count at least half the skill gems in this game aren't even being used, what a waste of resources.

and for the record, i dont give a fuck about the exp nerf. level 100 should never be easy to achieve to begin with (like diablo 2 for example). but the problem is again with GGG. they did not properly manage this problem in the beginning. they allowed getting 100 to become easy with the power creep and fast clearing meta they introduced, whether intentional or not. they should've been regulating the exp to 100 a lot sooner and in a much better manner. now they're getting shit for it from the casuals because everyone got too comfortable with the fact that level 100 is a possibility for most people if they put enough time into it. THIS IS GGG'S FAULT. but i dont give a fuck, this is the least of my concerns.

My main concern is the fact that they continuously nerf things, regular/force the meta, and pidgeonhole the player base into playing the skills they want people to play for that patch/league. they nerf so much shit but don't buff enough to balance out the nerfs. why do this when the game was designed to offer the players to create their own build and play the way they want?? why can't i go back and revisit builds i've played 2,3, or even 4 leagues ago? why must things be made constantly obsolete ?

instead of nerfing things they think are overpowered or too prominently played during the last league/update, they should just buff everything else that is currently underpowered/unerplayed so more players are incentivized to try them out and create builds with them. i dont see myself rolling more than 1 build this league, and probably won't last more than 2 weeks before i go back to playing other games. what a shame, especially with the new end-game content too.

"Sorry for my bad English"
Last edited by Ordack on Dec 6, 2017, 12:14:28 AM
Me and my acuities right now

Fixed a bug where item hovers would sometimes vibrate.
I felt this was the most important line for me :D
Looks really nice for me. The ability to freeze the end-game bosses sounds like fun ^_^
MarcusRait wrote:
Looks really nice for me. The ability to freeze the end-game bosses sounds like fun ^_^

Not freeze, chill. Freeze is when target can't act. When target is slowed down it is called chill.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
PvE game where the devs have nerfed the majority of skills and fun items into the ground over the past few years. After getting so many things right with PoE, how did you get this crucial part so wrong? You're doing a disservice to your long time fans and fans of the genre. Have you forgotten the core reason people play games like this? It's not for "metas". God I hate that term, especially when applied to the wrong genre of games.

I'm getting tired of this. Slowly losing interest.
Looking for the "promised" buffs in the patch notes...
Last edited by Soulcommando on Dec 6, 2017, 12:25:41 AM
Soulcommando wrote:
Looking for the "promised" buffs in the patch notes...

You know.. skeletons and spectres, you don't see those crazy buffs?

I am quite dissapointed in your "major game-changing buffs". Not even 6% more damage to glacial hammer. These are some poor patch notes, loads of fixes and RP stuff and so little of expansion.

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