Should RT (Russia Today) be banned?

MrSmiley21 wrote:
grepman wrote:
trying to turn a hoe into a housewife is dumb


I'm literally shaking over the misogyny of the above comment. Try to be a little bit more sensitive for my emotions, OK?

I meant, er, rake
鬼殺し wrote:

Be less like Ender, more like Dirty Harry.

Empathy is just another word for weakness.

Dirty Harry is a bounty hunter. Or paranoid murderer if I didn't have empathy.
Stop Bombing Syria
/Flu_prevention_mode ON
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre on Apr 13, 2017, 12:57:12 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
SkyCore wrote:

Would you please stop with the partisan hate? Im not a liberal, yet i still find virtually every post made in the last 3 months with the most stupidly myopic slander of the left/ right annoying the shit out of me. You see, i try to place myself in other peoples position to get a sense of what they are thinking; it's called empathy. But when i hear garbage like this, i feel revolted. Like i just stuck my head in a toilet full of diarrhea, i just instinctively pull away.
Stop viewing things from a left/right, republican/democrat, us/them lens.

Empathy turns winners into losers. It's bad for everyone who wants to be great. Gets in the way. Who cares what others are thinking? As long as you can beat them, they don't matter. Didn't you read Enders Game? Everything was going just fine until The Perfect Weapon went and made a connection with the enemy and then before you know it Earth is being run by a psychopath and the universe is full of buggers. Ender never won a fight again after that. Turned into a super liberal pussy talking at funerals and shit.

So fuck empathy. All it does is spawn shitty sequels. Like The Matrix! Fuck. Neo should have stopped once he became Superman and won. But noooo he had to keep going, trying to "understand" the machine, and how did that turn out? Shitty cg fights, blather by an old white dude with an old white beard and, of course, symbolic crucifixion. Laaaaaame.

You know who never showed any fucking empathy? Dirty Harry. That fucking legend. He didn't give a SHIT about those punks or why they became criminals or how being products of a generational system of underprivilege gave them no choice but to turn to a life outside of the law. Fuck no. Fuck em. Scum.

Be less like Ender, more like Dirty Harry.

Empathy is just another word for weakness.


On-topic: yes.

Empathy can not make man winner or looser. Only those, who are not great want to be great. Empathy is not weakness, its weakness for those, who has no empathy; they want to destroy something, they dont understand and will always loose and gnashed their teeth, because somebody is better.

Ender was playing game, he had empathy, all 3 books after was about language differences and searching for understanding, he never after wanted to win.

You point out psychopath, but all what you wrote is written like it would be written by psychopath.

Neo, movie figure, couldnt disconnect all those people, because most of them would die and nothing would change.

Dirty Harry, movie figure, has empathy. Evil has to be punished and good has to be celebrated.
Last edited by Rexeos on Apr 13, 2017, 5:27:21 AM
Ahh the world will never be rid of the residual sith presence, attempting to gain some admiration by influencing what they can from their dark corner until they are dispelled by the light from which they always have to run as they self-image breaks when the shadowy strings are revealed.

Yup yup, mercy and empathy is for the weak, there is no good or evil and you have no responsibility for your own actions because they were predestined.

Do follow that vision of life young ones - Give up before you try!


You can say that, but the truth is that a person who says that has lost themselves and the courage to have hope. Probably hurt/disappointed too many times and now too afraid to feel again - fear to confront themselves. Using it to protect against the pain from the truth of the trauma that was inflicted upon one earlier. The truth holds many things, pain is one of them - pain comes from accepting the state of things, what others did to you and what you are doing to others. Ignorance is bliss, wisdom brings sorrow.

Stay ignorant, weaklings, courage is for the strong!

The force is thus in balance!

I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Apr 13, 2017, 6:22:34 AM
The truth holds many things, pain is one of them - pain comes from accepting the state of things, what others did to you and what you are doing to others. Ignorance is bliss, wisdom brings sorrow.

Therefore, CNN should be preserved /ignorance/ . RT should be banned /truth/.
鬼殺し wrote:

Sorry, too soon?

The franchise was killed ages ago, I think there's no problem here.

Mutilated Zombies dont matter

and we dont talk about the real evil

Last edited by Disrupted on Apr 13, 2017, 12:38:32 PM
[Removed by Support]
Han Solo, lightsabre fights, wtf retardation is this?
I wanted to spark some discussion on very vital issues and this topic Star Wars.
Maybe you deserve to live for an year in war torn Syria to taste the real life how it goes.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo called Julian Assange and his associates “demons” and accused WikiLeaks of siding with the world’s dictators and endangering the security of the “free world” with the help of states like Russia.

How this sounds?

The CIA director rejected Assange’s reasoning that WikiLeaks had the right to publish documents that WikiLeaks obtained, arguing that the right to free speech does not apply to non-Americans.

“Julian Assange has no First Amendment freedoms,” Pompeo said. “He’s sitting in an embassy in London. He’s not a US citizen.”

This CIA director is equally retarded as those Star Wars fans.
Last edited by poor_hobbit on Apr 13, 2017, 9:00:30 PM
The rest was less-than-subtle satire.

Where is this satire? Its like you try to make sophisticated meal with junk food ingredients.
Well the result is..junk food.
poor_hobbit wrote:
The rest was less-than-subtle satire.

Where is this satire? Its like you try to make sophisticated meal with junk food ingredients.
Well the result is..junk food.

The result doesn't matter if it's junk or not. That's what others decide. It simply depends what you provide.

What you provided is another soliloquizing ambiguous thread same like RT, standardized copy and paste advertising media, so-called "discussion" or "opinion" nowadays.

CIA afraid of leaks because of the cost they would have to pay, not because of security reasons.
They hide something because that makes things easier/harder. If there is any critical information to be hidden, it's not secure from the first place.
Stop Bombing Syria
/Flu_prevention_mode ON
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
What you provided is another soliloquizing ambiguous thread same like RT, standardized copy and paste advertising media, so-called "discussion" or "opinion" nowadays.

LOL. If it was like you said, RT would be harmless, there would be no struggle to bring it down almost 2-3 years now along with Sputnik. Obviously, RT have some degree of influence over the Americans, territory which the brainwashing media machine considers as its monopoly. I think it has something to do with the truth and not with copy/paste.

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