What build are you planning for 2.4???


Lightning warping Auto_Immortal_Call Pathfinder Added Chaos Damage Chin Sol Point Blank 100% Pierce Poison Super Dipping Tornado shooting Flasking nonsense with MoM + 28% damage taken gained as mana Build.

Whew...That name was so long XD; Already got started on the character :)
Melee. Pain must flow.

I'll make the exact build closely to new league when all the changes will be revealed.
There is a sure way to die.

Билды - это листья на дереве Path of Exile. C каждым патчем одни опадают, и каждую лигу вырастают другие.
EQ slayer of some sort.
Waiting for patch notes but want to go deep into maps so probably Cyclone or Dual Flame Totem
I need a signature to look legit
Another Spectral throw variant as first char. Then will try the new skill(s) if it isn't too op or too shitty.
chin sol full lightning freeze build with three dragons.

gonna be badass
nothing until we get patch notes and balance changes.
I'm probably going to start as a Ranger or Shadow Rain of Arrows/Blast Rain Chin Sol build and use it to make enough currency for a Low Life 2x Void Battery Blade Vortex Occultist. After that I should be done with the league and just mess around / complete challenges and try out other interesting builds.

Might change depending on the patch notes.
Last edited by Dixton on Aug 19, 2016, 9:15:49 PM
for the first time selfcast spark witch
my english sux.
I've got what would be my first ever max block character planned out if I go through with it.

A Cast When Stunned build with the new Valyrium Ring.

A Heavy Strike build with the new Kondo's Pride sword.

Will have to update if more uniques are spoiled/look good.

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