Hillary Clinton

^WTF, I am #MentallyHill now

Disrupted wrote:
That Photoshop could use some work.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Jojas wrote:
Funny how all you guys ever post about Hillary is that kind of shit. Nothing about policies. Ever. Just stupid shit after stupid shit, garnered with ugly, hateful comments.

We've seen the results of her policies in Egypt:

We've seen the results of her polices in Syria:

We've seen the results of her polices in Libya:

Jordan's seen the results of her polices:
(Refugee camp)

Hillary's policies seem to fall into 2 categories:

A) Destroy
B) Deny

PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Last edited by DalaiLama on Sep 12, 2016, 2:05:49 PM
That´s all Clinton´s fault ?

Now you´re really jumping on the idiot train...
That´s all Clinton´s fault ?

Now you´re really jumping on the idiot train...

Did I say "all"? She wasn't solely responsible.

Obama certainly had a hand in crafting the RegimeChangapalooza, but the indications are that Hillary had a strong voice in it as well. I strongly suspect that the "October Suprise" that Assange has planned, and Russia's infobombs will contain information linking her to this that even Hillary's best backflips can't hide.

If you want to do some research on your own in the meantime, you will find for yourself just how involved Hillary was, and where she pushed forward when the Obama administration was ready to back down. If your research is showing you the name of her unofficial adviser you are on a more accurate trail than if that adviser or his name isn't mentioned.

I'm not going to go back and dig through my old posts, but iirc, in this thread or the other candidate thread, I'm fairly certain I suggested one plausible reason why Hillary and Obama chose this road (had to do with global nuclear security)- but I'm not sure if I included a link to the 322 page analysis article. If you actually want to read through it for understanding, I'll see if any current links exist to it.

Some of it has to do with the ongoing failure (several previous administrations plus current) of America's foreign policy to contain Iran's nuclear ambition. Foreign Affairs summarized the paralysis mindset of our leadership due to severely constrained options in their March/April 2010 article "After Iran Gets the Bomb".

It is behind a pay wall, but you can read it for free by registering. IMO - it gives a good insight to just how limited some decisions can be. What the article doesn't do, is give a good position perspective from someone who has been in a position of authority and responsibility. This "hands on expertise" is what usually sets the journal's articles apart. Whether you agree or disagree with the author's position, you at least know that they aren't speaking strictly from theoreticals. The experience of diplomacy is vastly different behind the scenes, which often leaves academics drawing incorrect conclusions compared to the people who were involved.

Hillary herself wrote an article "Leading Through Civilian Power" for Foreign Affairs later that same year. Although I read it, I don't recall the article being substantive other than her "we must do something" approach.

The opening paragraph of her article gives you a good sense of her thirst for interventionism:

"Today's world is a crucible of challenges testing American leadership. Global problems, from violent extremism to worldwide recession to climate change to poverty, demand collective solutions, even as power in the world becomes more diffuse. They require effective international cooperation, even as that becomes harder to achieve. And they cannot be solved unless a nation is willing to accept the responsibility of mobilizing action. The United States is that nation."

I won't dispute that the public is not widely aware of how involved Hillary has been in "mobilizing action" in the near east. So, I can understand how, in their ignorance, they think this is just some far fetched claim. The lack of knowledge on their part does not constitute false presumption on my part.

While I seriously doubt Hillary or Obama intended for the rise of Isis or anything like it, their myopic intervention policies and ... [nah, you're going to have to dig for the juicy parts - hint - think "Fast and Furious"] directly led to the uprising of Isis.

You can skip ahead to 1:02 of this video:


Question: What is the reason Hillary states for what happened?

Follow up Questions:

If she is actually foolish enough to believe this, would you want her as your national leader?

We know from released emails that she didn't think this was the reason and knew the real reason before speaking to the public. We will skip over that whether it was a blatant falsehood, because that's not the worst part.

The worst part, is why would she attempt an intentional misdirection with this particular brand of lie?

It wouldn't do anything to protect the American people or America's interests. It wouldn't dissuade enemies, or help conceal secret efforts America was making behind the scenes to deal with the problem. Her statement further endangered America's security and the only purpose it served was to make her and the Obama administration look good in the eyes of the SJW crowd. TL/DR - she cared more about public perception of herself and the administration than she did about national security or the lives lost.

I'm sure you can find the pertinent Benghazi emails without too much difficulty, and it has been analyzed sufficiently.

Hillary's dismissive attitude is consistent with all her other previous and current behaviors. She takes no responsibility for what she has done or what she should have done but didn't.

just in case you think this is out of context, here's the actual quote from Hillary's own mouth:


If you want to reserve a healthy amount of skepticism for these claims - I can respect that. To assume that my interpretation is foolhardy when you clearly haven't availed yourself of all the information - is presumptuous. Follow an issue for more than a few years - you'll be surprised at how informative it can be.

Even for those who decide to take the approach that Hillary was just a clueless puppet along for the ride (and not really acting as Secretary of State), they'll have to contend with Hillary's extremely callous attitude towards violence.

Here we have some email exchanges while Syria was undergoing some violent surges(you can find them on other sources as well, so please don't try the blame the messenger/website trick)

Re: Dalton Brody:

"Dalton Brody | Premier Gift & Home Furnishings Retailer | Washington DC"

PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Last edited by DalaiLama on Sep 12, 2016, 4:24:33 PM
Manocean wrote:
Wow, I can't believe some of you are questioning Hillary's health, typical conspiracy loon conservatives with no evidence.

Especially since she was photographed today, getting stuff done!


PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
ScrotieMcB wrote:
That Photoshop could use some work.

Subtle version, just for you

Disrupted wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
That Photoshop could use some work.
Subtle version, just for you

Actually I was referring to the t-shirt.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Sep 12, 2016, 8:57:35 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Actually I was referring to the t-shirt.
I know man, but it was so obvious that I didnt think the intention was ever to deceive people, but, rather to make a stupid silly joke image.

did u catch the 3 edits?
Last edited by Disrupted on Sep 12, 2016, 9:14:12 PM

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