Innsbury Trickster , Chaos Poison EK Insanity , Crazy Good Chaos Conversion... HC

Posted some offensive stats, check out the thick chaos damage. I was going to take a screen shot but cant seem to find it.
Scored a Kintsugi which is perfect for the build.


Innbury Sword is Insane! Yes it has an insanity affix. Crazy shit happens...
This build looks awesome, I have always loved EK builds. What would you drop if you could only get your hands on a 5l? Pierce?
Ya drop pierce or void manipulation if youve only got a 5l. On a side note a 5link Cospris Will armour would work for the added
Wow lucky for me I traded my 6l Kintsugi for a 6l Cospris will and some ex. Running 2 cusrses now warlords and enfeeble/ or projectile weakness. Dropped winds of change and using faster projectiles gem so less mana cost and more movement speed, nice!

Last edited by Rorshax on Aug 4, 2016, 1:21:32 AM
Is this build a mana drainer? is that why there are so many mana regen and total mana nodes? Do you sustain enough with the ll from innsbury to swap in a blood magic gem to free us up to get more tanky or damage nodes?
Ya Ek is a mana pig, you could try blood magic for leveling but endgame its not worth it. Thankfully there is 2 great mana nodes Weave the arcane, and Patient Reaper in Ascendency. Its actually about having enough flat mana after you reserve your auras. Its important to have some flat mana on rings or amulet.
Last edited by Rorshax on Aug 6, 2016, 12:23:33 AM
Added gear for Hex Master tri curse Cospri's Will. Nice radius for curses.

What tier maps are you doing?

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