Conversion nerf leaving no legacy items = Bye

technically they said no new legacy items created. They didn't say existing legacy would magically become non-legacy. So those 75% consuming darks will probably now be 45%'ers. Maybe not, who knows.

The wording in PoE is clear as mud within the game itself let alone when you have different devs and Chris using different wording too.

We just have to wait and see what happens and compare that to what they are saying is going to happen. Then we will have definitions for what they said would happen vs what happened. Even after this whole consuming dark thing happens the definition and wording on future announcements and interviews will probably change and we'll always be looking through a magnifying glass dipped in mud trying to figure out what they are trying to tell us in advance.

It always plays out as though NZ is ESL ( English second language ). Maybe GGG needs to hire an interpreter ? I've never been to NZ so I don't know what language they speak primarily.
echo "The world is full of smart people" |sed -e 's/smart people/sheep/'
mark1030 wrote:
i'm sure it also had something to do with the sheer numbers of these items that will come from Perandus League. I think the droprate of Voltaxic might have even been increased in the league before that. But Standard is just going to get flooded with previously rare items when Perandus league ends.

Might, be, if even I dropped one they were sure plentiful.

But my guess is they did it because it was possible this time, they wanted to nerf a mod, not a specific item.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

BearCares wrote:
People complain about the game being too easy. So they make the game more difficult and then you still complain. Current chaos builts are so good that they are basically just like entering a cheat code.

Um, it's not the same group of people complaining.

People who complain game's too easy are nolifers who often can't be bothered to play HC, because that would mean they are wrong when they complain about how easy the game is.

Really I think the problem is high tier map drop rate being far, far too low.

Those "gaem to eazy" scrubs faceroll tier 10 and they think that's all the game has to offer because they're not getting rare red map drops.

But GGG doesn't care, apparently, because "you're not supposed to be able to sustain red maps".

well, when you don't, you get a bunch of scrubs whining about how easy the game is.

Then there's reflect.

reflect doesn't make the game harder. It makes vaal pact mandatory. It means templars have to travel all the way across the fucking tree. It's annoying as hell, and should be removed from the game, reflect damage halved, and leech rate buffed at least 50% over what it is now.


better solution would be to remove ele reflect or put a radius on it so you can't offscreen yourself with LA.
Quoting Saltychipmunk:
...I look at the new act 5 boss where you have to hide behind the statues to survive the bullet hell and all I can think is... how the fuck are zombies going to survive that?

They don't know what hiding is... they don't know what dodging is... they are morons.
joachimbond wrote:
better solution would be to remove ele reflect or put a radius on it so you can't offscreen yourself with LA.

Fuck melee again, eh, how about no? :)

And it wouldn't solve the issue, some lackadaisy archer would kill himself on a devourer, ursa or a bunch of larvae and then it's all over again.

By the way, do you like new paragon of calamity?
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

It makes vaal pact mandatory. It means templars have to travel all the way across the fucking tree.
You forgot "If you don't have Atziri's Acuity"

better solution would be to remove ele reflect or put a radius on it
please no i'm having too much fun reading players complaining about dying from reflect
JacobJackel wrote:
Sure glad overwatch is out having a chaos trapper that I absolutely love and a LA volt char I also enjoy tons being changed at the core aspect of what the items did in the first place is fucked and lame.
GGG I have spent a lot of cash supporting you and I the player continue to suffer because of your lack of balance design or foresight I'm done you will not see a proph supporter title from me not another fucking dime.

All I read was "I made the decision to give you money so I deserve instant gratification because I don't like challenges nor have the ability to adapt to balance and change BabyRage."
joachimbond wrote:

Those "gaem to eazy" scrubs faceroll tier 10 and they think that's all the game has to offer because they're not getting rare red map drops.

But GGG doesn't care, apparently, because "you're not supposed to be able to sustain red maps".

well, when you don't, you get a bunch of scrubs whining about how easy the game is.

It's not the biggest issue about "red maps". You not just cant maintain them all the time, but even if you do, farming them provides less outcome, than ultra-fast farming Plateau/Gorge maps. When challenge isnt rewarded, why bother with it? Just to show your balls?

joachimbond wrote:

Then there's reflect.

reflect doesn't make the game harder. It makes vaal pact mandatory. It means templars have to travel all the way across the fucking tree. It's annoying as hell, and should be removed from the game, reflect damage halved, and leech rate buffed at least 50% over what it is now.


better solution would be to remove ele reflect or put a radius on it so you can't offscreen yourself with LA.

Indeed, Reflect just forces you to build around it, or just skip it when it rolls on maps (usually the latter).

However, if you want reflect to be halved and Leech Rate buffed at 50%, just play Slayer in new patch.
Reflect nerfed by 50% - Checked (Headsman)
Leech Rate buffed by 50% - Checked (Brutal Fervor, 10% is one half of 20% basic leech rate).

The main problem is that reflect often poses the biggest threat to your character. It shouldnt be like that. In a well-desighned game, mobs should have a chance to fight back. ATM, they dont - the only proper playstyle is to kill mobs before they even react.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Temp leagues > Perma leagues , bye :D
R.I.P 4.B.

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