|✡| 7/7 |✡| Ξ UPDATED. Ξ What will you do if I give you 3k pure exalted ? (standard league)

Id have fun with it.
IGN: SpurgutronPrime
I will create prizes for who discover new recipes (specially exalted recipe - I believe) and/or wait to invest in some guild when developers improve the system - I believe this too.

Maybe use some exalts to improve my character too.

Last option is wait when devs start a civil war in POE and choose the side.
Start the same thread and put what i can spare (0.5 exalt)on top of the pot and name the thread 'what will you do if I give you 3k + 0.5 of pure exalts'.
I would use the 3,000 exalts to purchase mirror worthy items one at a time and create a lottery in stream.

For example, invest 150 exalts into an item and sell 175 tickets at 1 exalt each. Repeat the process and I profit along with the winner. I walk away with 16.67% margins which is aligned with real life business. At the same time, people invest a small price at the chance of large returns. This guarantees my future income in-game and promotes fun for those willing to take a gamble.

Over time with the accumulated in-game wealth I would randomly fund players of my choosing with charitable donations of highly sought after build-enabling items. This of course will be a PR campaign to cover up the end goal of currency manipulation further resulting in my income level.

Eventually, I will have so much in-game wealth I will create in-game agreements with popular streamers to promote certain items and builds. I will of course have purchased these items prior to the promotion that will result in price increases after the streamers make them more valuable. After I am satisfied with the return on my investment I will dilute the market with said items creating in-game inflation and burst the bubble preventing others from profiting as much as me. This process will be repeated over and over to further hurt the little man while lining my currency tabs with exalts.

After my power and influence is made known in the market, I will of course speak to willing investors for 50 exalts each to inform about near-future market manipulations. This is not to be confused with pay-to-play insider trading. GGG will surely find me innocent of any in-game violations due to my power, wealth, status and influence.

IGN - ManaFisting
Create an unbreakable mirror monopoly on standard
To Do List:
-Add Better Minion Supports
-Add More Permanent Minions
GoreFleshSummoner | Low Life Zombie n' Specter Summoner
Summoner Gear: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1633760
Enzari wrote:
Create an unbreakable mirror monopoly on standard

LMAO...if you really think 3000 exalts is remotely enough to do that

I'd sell it all for 1 alt
would sit in my stash with the other 8 I have in there as I really dont like the trading in this game. It needs an auction house. Trading is too much of a pain in the ass. I dread every whisper I get now. I no longer will sell anything below 10 chaos.
I will slam 2 crimson jewel and hope for best !

And last one I will use it to craft a gg steel ring :)

Thanks for the contest!
Finally play the builds I WANT to play, and not what I just afford.

No clue why the game still got that huge gap between what people can play around with, it's just dumb.
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