[2.2.0] Voltaxic Poisonous Quills [End Game Mapping Build]

MrGuardian wrote:
Doing this build in std, Skipping quiver and belt, id say it works just fine dmg is insane, im at 25k with charges and flask,lower lvl gems.

Instead of added chaos I use Fork gem or Chain, Chain has better clear speed imo.

Damn that bow man :D Gz!

Chain is superior for sure, it clears so nicely. The only reason I am using fork is because of Rigwald's Quills has it and it's free (no less damage modifier). Otherwise, I would use Chain for sure.

Glad to hear it's working on standard.
My gear on standard

I ended up ditching the poison gem and going to faster attacks. Poison does not add anything substantial but faster attacks gives Voltaxic Rift needed speed, even without bloodrage active. When bloodrage is active, this slays. I hit 42,000 dps, buffed and have 1 less max frenzy charge. Immortal Call proved to be a good defense also.
So this flask is so op that i leveled from 87-88 with 28iiq|240iir with 43%,65%,13% resists in t7-8 maps killing bosses as well. Just wow.

MF setup in talisman.

Last edited by Captain_Assassin on Jan 24, 2016, 3:48:17 AM
Im loving this build it has an insane clear speed.
But sometimes it feels underwhelming when killing tanky bosses. Im almost using the same gear as you and got 10.8k unbuffed damage (not using quality gems yet). I watched all of your videos and you just seem to nuke the bosses instantly or they just melt with poison. But my Poison damage feels rly underwhelming. How can i improve that?
irgendwie09 wrote:
Im loving this build it has an insane clear speed.
But sometimes it feels underwhelming when killing tanky bosses. Im almost using the same gear as you and got 10.8k unbuffed damage (not using quality gems yet). I watched all of your videos and you just seem to nuke the bosses instantly or they just melt with poison. But my Poison damage feels rly underwhelming. How can i improve that?

I make sure I am in range for Bosses to be shocked with Vessel of Vinktar, that's a huge damage increase because you can't really shock them for long because of their hp. And if you are SC, be as close as possible, so more arrows will hit at the same time.
How much of an impact is Vessel on this build?
Voltaxic rift was on my wish list for a long time and this seems like one of the builds I want to try but I do not plan on investing in this flask for now. I can shock bosses with Vaal Lightning trap but how important is that leech?

Also wondering if there is any easy way to calculate the share of the poison damage in this.
A lot of builds use poison now, but it is very rarely mentioned how much of the impact it is (especially since Master Poisoner exists). Just having party play, culling possibility and ascendancy classes in mind.

Additionally, this build does appear superior to, for example, LA/Blast rain, but mostly either through use of the Vessel or in areas where LA or Blast rain underperform (very spread enemies, fast moving bosses and similar).

Too make long story short, I am finally getting a Voltaxic Rift (along with what I should get with it). I have a ton of things and builds I want to try out with it. But I don't have time to do it all and my inability to invest into Vessel in particular makes me question how high this should be on my list.
ichishi wrote:
How much of an impact is Vessel on this build?

30% instant leech from all of our dmg is insane, if you have enough defenses to not get one shot, you can tank anything. And being so close has 2 advantages, permanent shock and more arrows will hit the same target. It works without it ofc, but you can't facetank that much.

As for poison damage, it's huge. No clue about the numbers, but at least as much as initial hit. You can see this on Bosses especially.
what do you think about upcoming 2.2 patch? do you think your flask build will be even op'ier than ever with pathfinder ranger or do you think assassin could do better? overall what do you expect from 2.2 and possible poison nerfs? thanks
ketcap140 wrote:
what do you think about upcoming 2.2 patch? do you think your flask build will be even op'ier than ever with pathfinder ranger or do you think assassin could do better? overall what do you expect from 2.2 and possible poison nerfs? thanks

I can't wait for it. I will probably make a switch to Assassin and Lightning Arrow because of several reasons. Poison is going to get nerfed somehow without a doubt, Vessel of Vinktar probably too. Assassin will make Voltaxic dmg skyrocket. Max crit, enormous crit multi, especially against full life monsters (this is where 1 shot abilities come into play - LA especially). Pathfinder is great, but I think Assassin will just be better for mapping in the long run, clearing everything in one shots.
I'm actually extremely surprised at the single target damage of Barrage, this skill looks so amazing to me now :O

Have you ever tested if volley fire can shotgun or not? Actually I don't even know if barrage can shotgun or not... I believe it can after watching your video

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