[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Milkyslice wrote:


Actually I can't understand how do you survive with 6900hp+es. I have 7900 and it's difficult to even survive Minotaur for me.

Well i die from time to time, but i also dont care about my life anymore, dont wanna get 100... just my challenges :P

I realized you heavily changed the build. Right now I'm playing with OoS+Temporal Chains+Enfeble+Cast on Hit, and with Whispers of Doom. Why do you use Flammability/Scorching Ray/Totemic Zeal instead? Totemic Zeal seems completely useless for me, because other then Totem Placement Speed it has no benefits - cast speed is irrelevant for this build, and totem duration is not that important, right?

Totemic Zeal is purely for clearspeed. Placementspeed is nice for that and castspeed slightly increases the casttime of rf (a tiny bit).
Scorching ray is just a tech gem for shaper and some guardianfights, normally i use increases item rarity for most of the content.

I also dont use whispers of doom anymore because:

1. Guardians/shaper have 80% reduction on curses, more than any other boss
2. i care less about curse mapmods
3. those points are in totemic zeal for dem clearspeed

I want to kill Shaper as well. What should I do for it? How many DPS should I have and what gems should I use? I have no Tukohama, and using Lioneye's Remorse instead, and completely happy with it. And I'm using Belly and rare rings instead of Soul Mantle/Kikazarus, and I like to have more HP this way too. Or will not I have enough DPS without Mantle?

it can be enough. Tukohama doesnt do anything significant for dps (just 40% inc totem dmg), but soulmantle does with the 50% totemlife. Havent tried it without it, but it can work out for sure.

But expect to rip some sets. I had some experience in 2.5 with my BV berserker in the fight and needed 4 runs to do it deathless on RFT for the first time.
DPS is one part, the other one is dont panic and learn the fight and timings.

And I see Tempest Shield gem in your character you didn't mention in the guide. Could you tell about it as well?

i think i added it as options for CWDT

Thanks for detailed answer!

I'm thinking to switch Whispers to Shamanistic Fury instead of Totemic Zeal, it gives pure Totem Damage and a little of placement speed (I don't care about map clear speed at all, focusing on guardians atm, shaper/uber later). Seems like additional 500hp willn't help me anyway.

Another difference is a trap for EE I have to use because no Tukohama. I'm using Vaal Lightning Trap and used Ice Trap before. There are no reliable option to refill Vaal Trap in boss fights, so what's the working trap setup? Atm I just approximately copied your gem layout, but obviously it's not working, because my gear is pretty different.

What do you think about this find? Before Tukohama you can get MoM for "free" by sacrificing 2 jewel slots and helm enchant.
Ice trap/lightning trap is the best for bosses.

MoM, even without rallying cry shenanigans, is a viable and good option nowadays

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:
And I see Tempest Shield gem in your character you didn't mention in the guide. Could you tell about it as well?

i think i added it as options for CWDT

Curious, do you explain the benefit of Tempest Shield for this build on the main post? I'm new so I'm missing the impact - if you could please explain :)

IGN: JooksOne
Timezone: PST(USA)
Jooksone wrote:
Milkyslice wrote:
And I see Tempest Shield gem in your character you didn't mention in the guide. Could you tell about it as well?

i think i added it as options for CWDT

Curious, do you explain the benefit of Tempest Shield for this build on the main post? I'm new so I'm missing the impact - if you could please explain :)


No not really. It adds 3% blockchance and has a small chance for EO proccs on my character it also proccs ee on top.

Tempest shield is never bad if you use a shield, but other options are beneficial as well like curses, molten shell, immortal call, arctic breath, vortex and so on.

What you use is your choice, i prefer my wdt setup, other people different setups.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Correct the information about not being able to proc ee with oos with ancestral bonds because its not true you can proc it.

I am using oos to proc with ancestral bonds and have no issues
Correct the information about not being able to proc ee with oos with ancestral bonds because its not true you can proc it.

I am using oos to proc with ancestral bonds and have no issues

you must be confusing it with EO.

You need to deal some kind of elemental dmg hit to procc EE. With Ancestral Bonds you cannot deal damage, except with traps/mines/totems

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Nvm got it.

Last edited by Tigar on Mar 25, 2017, 5:52:22 AM
I'm currently playing this build in LHC and have been enjoying it. I'm making some significant changes that are in line with the original guide, but meant to beef up the survivability. I've had a lot of characters, CI and life, die with more effective HP than this one has. So it has been tricky getting enough layers of defense to feel comfortable. Ultimately, the best defense is playing slower and putting your totems first.

Here's my gear:

I'm playing as MoM with the above gear and a few of the % mana nodes on the skilltree I have 6700 HP, 600ES (usually never up), and 1800 mana. That isn't enough mana to fully cover my HP, but it's a healthy additional buffer against 1-shots. I'm only level 87, so I have quite a bit of room to grow in the HP area as well.

As far as damage goes, using the soul mantle and specing out of Ancestral Bond was a must in order to make things feel good. My gems are still not level 20, and few are quality, so I'm looking forward to the continued scaling in my future. As is however, all T10 maps and bosses dissolve in just a few seconds. Uber lab is incredibly easy to farm, especially on days with no elemental buffs.

Key things to note is that I went with the advancing fortress weapon and a rumi's as the block is pretty significant for most scenarios. I played around with brightbeak for a while and really loved the movespeed, but I have a habit of shield charging into a pile of shit and decided to stop doing that around T8 maps. Long-term I would imagine the doryani's is a necessity, and I could afford one, but I don't want to take the movespeed hit at the moment and it isn't necessary for up to T10 maps. Maybe that'll be a boss kill weapon swap?

As far as shields go, the Lioneye's remorse seems like the best bet. I'm not going Tukohama because I don't want blood magic, so getting as much HP from the shield (and armour) seems to be the best bet. I'm contemplating getting The Surrender to replace it, but we'll have to see how I feel if I generate that much currency. Running a red nightmare and surrender together would put me at or very near block cap without hardly giving up anything except the skillpoints to grab the resist wheel (which would ease other gearing problems as well). If I get rich and still enjoy this character, that'll probably be my endgame plan.

I will point out that Milky's comments regarding the Forbidden Taste were spot on. This life flask is fucking amazing and you need barely any chaos res to offset the degen. This is with my self-cursed vulnerability (reduced by rings ofc).

Last note is that even tho I am MoM, I have invested practically nothing into mana regen. It just isn't a stat that I can "afford" to get any of based on other gear priorities. This means my mana regens very slowly and I'm not running a mana pot or anything else to speed it up. I currently use my mana pool as a 1-shot buffer and when it's low or empty I play much safer until it's back. If I can somehow manage it one day I would like to get enough mana to fully cover my growing HP pool AND reserve arctic armour, but i'm skeptical of that possibility while continuing to run soul mantle.

Thanks for the build guide. Righteous fire is a lot of fun.
Last edited by magnus962 on Mar 25, 2017, 3:21:16 PM
I think a guide is just there to explain how skill, tree and gear combinations work together and give a baseline to play with.

I like your take on it.

Maybe a hybrid flask instead of the lifeflask may work for you since forbidden taste is already your meaningful hp flask, hell maybe even a manaflask.

What you mentioned about MoM is excactly what i thought about it: grants a bigger buffer against damagespikes but not so good (if you dont invest in manaregen) in long incoming damage scenarios like breaches.

Tukohamas is just a QoL clearspeed item for me, basically does nothing for bosses since only one rf deals dmg anyway.
other options are definetly better defensive wise than it.

Doryanis is not necassary for content up to t14+. Maybe doon cuebyari is something for you, it grants lower dmg (if not build around it), but the strength on it is a somewhat significant lifegain.

Overall i think you know what you're doing, just test around what works the best for you and let me know ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc

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