Developer Questions and Answers

Are you satisfied with build diversity in 2.0? I feel like there's only couple of viable build and everyone's doing them (cyclone, flame totem, poison arrow).
IGN: LeszczuTheSlayer
Hey GGG!
Foremost: Thanks for this awesome game!
My questions for you are more from a technical \ process based point of view:

1) How are you evolving your technology stack? Are you constantly upgrading to newer language versions or actively looking into things like cloud computing or are you fixed on what you use?

2) How interesting are things like machine learning, swarm intelligence or general AI improvements for you? We saw a quite sophisticated AI for warbands, so are you actively expanding on this topic?

3) Are you interested in / is there a process to do interships coupled with masters thesis in computer science? I've been working close to the industrie for 5 years now and plan to do my thesis on large scale, procedural, swarm-driven AI.

Thank you for taking your time!
Best regards

Mana is such an unfun stat right now. Especially with -regen such a common mod on maps, it's makes not want to roll any character that relies on regen at all. CI, EB/ZO/MOM, etc builds are incredibly hampered by this far to common mod. Not to mention the act 4 bosses all seem to have some kind of nearly constant damage intake, making ES builds very difficult to play.

Are their any plans making regen based builds a better choice ?

- Are you planning some QoL changes for Cyclone? Having the cyclone stop whenever one hits a wall is sometimes very detrimental to gameplay. One has massive problems on certain maps (Underground River, Mine) because they feature little objects on the ground that stop cyclone and are very hard to see because of different things (the cyclone animation, any ground effects like shocked grounds, monsters). It also makes Malachai kinda hard when you stop every half second in the organ phase because you can only cyclone against the wall there.

- Is it intentional that some map bosses are still borderline op and almost undoable when you are in the level range appropriate for the map? I think of things like the museum triple boss or Orchard. Do you plan on rebalancing them?

-Do you think that D3 failed mainly because of the AH? Do you think that a faster/better trading systems will have large negative effects if you would introduce it?

Thanks in advance for any possible answer :)
Current league chars: Bladestorm Champion SSF
Last edited by Shaileen on Aug 24, 2015, 3:06:02 AM
Can we get some more old development screenshots? I really enjoyed the ones that were posted!
"Don't Tread on Me"
as someone who recently got interested in computer science, and am currently struggling with my wee programs that printf

how many lines of code in poe?
With the increase to monster life and damage in 2.0, PoE has become very challenging for self-found. I'm running around with;
- 4k life
- maxed resistances
- Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics
- constant Enfeeble and Warlord's Mark on enemies (therefore, leeching all the time)
- Mind over Matter
- Catalysed Eternal Flask
and I still die very quickly in level 68 maps.

It seems absurd that I can spec this defensively and still die almost immediately in the lowest level of map.

Are there any plans for new defensive options, especially for casters, to be added within the next few patches?
Are you planning to add easy guild management features? Example last online time, sendint letters to all guild members etc?
Will there ever be a chance where a trade chat filter can be implemented?
t_golgari wrote:
I would like to know if you plan to rebalance damage values in the near future in high level content and act 4. Because with bossmechanics the way they are, and the values of especially physical damage, playing melee is kind of a challenge (and not a good one like ZiggyD's unique challenge). Any build that has to stand still to deal damage is worse off than a build that can run like a chicken while dealing damage (whisp ice, totems etc.). That really kills build diversity...

Another question:
Would you consider changing the map system to give us the option to run low level maps with a higher level (kinda like Zana, but in a doing it yourself-way via the map device: E.g. put in a mountain ledge on the left side and a torture chamber on the right and you get a lvl 74 mountain ledge. Let's you get rid of low level maps and still requires finding the high level ones.)?

Third question:
Is there ever a master for jewells coming? Because I don't want to throw an exalt on my good 3-jewells and waste it if I would be able to mastercraft in the (near) future.

Best map idea I've ever read!! Please do this!!!!

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