hmmm. some kind of intro/tutorial at the beginning would be nice...

Just an observation for the developers.

I am not a gamer as such, I have other hobbies that take up most of my time.
I have been trying to play POE on and off for the last couple of weeks but I feel there is a lack of instructions/intro to teach you what buttons do what and how to do certain things. I don't feel like I can do anything because I am not experienced enough in gaming as a whole to know what to do.

I think personally that an intro segment (that can be skipped by experienced players) would be beneficial. especially to noobs like myself.
and make it more "user friendly"

I am aware that such a thing would cost a lot to make and take a lot of time and effort but it is something I hope you guys consider in the future.

From the land of new zeal. Just here to stalk the forums.
Last edited by Helvetica on Jul 26, 2015, 5:59:26 AM
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Maybe one day they'll do an intro, but it costs a shedload of money to make one especially if 3D rendered. I think something in the style of the comic in 2D would work well.
If GGG chickens made an action RPG, what would it be called? Path of Eggxile, a Peck 'n' Slash RPG.
Why was the helmet spluttering? It was a coif.
Last edited by Hyaon on Jul 25, 2015, 3:45:37 AM
to be honest I don't think it matters what style its in, I want to know what buttons do what and how to actually play rather than just be thrown in there suddenly with no instructions. I don't even know how to use items....
From the land of new zeal. Just here to stalk the forums.
it dosen't even have to be long, just a short 5-10 minute intro, learn to button, then kill a thing, learn to item, etc
From the land of new zeal. Just here to stalk the forums.
I am not really a fan of integrating a tutorial in the game itself. Ruins immersion. Games from the old days used to have a different tutorial section apart from the main game. That is the way it is done best.

All relevant information is/should be on the official website:

Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Jul 25, 2015, 6:25:26 AM
There's really good footage from players. Problem is just that new players probably don't find those videos. No need to re-invent the wheel, GGG and videocreaters/streamers should talk, compile some good advice/intro and get a link in a prominent position like mainpage and "video" section.

(But I don't really think that it is necessary. This game is mostly self-explaining and items have text on it for a reason. I expect people to read and try themselves. Yes, even generation "need video blog for new hairbrush" should use their brainz)

Edit: didn't want to sound offensive in any way. Meaning, the general idea is simple and for more detailed game mechanics, there is plenty of info available which would be too much for an intro.
Architekturkritik, die man tatsächlich sieht!

Farin Urlaub
Last edited by Wraeklops on Jul 25, 2015, 6:43:33 AM
An intro will come, so the question is when it comes and not if.
Its the same like Eve Online (another 'complex' game) which had a long time a very minimalistic tutorial.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
hmm, I wouldn't mind hearing...(reading) some developer input on this.
though a separate tab for intro and instructions is also a good idea if they were to take this further eventually.

Would be amazing for noobs like myself to get into the game. thus more opportunities to gain more players in general.

From the land of new zeal. Just here to stalk the forums.
I've been calling for some sort of handbook/ tutorial for a long time, albeit infrequently.
Going to some third party wiki (although it is good) and digging up videos on YT is just not the same as having the info provided by the developers themselves.
The problem is that at the moment I don't have enough time to play PoE myself AND compile a book, because my motivation to play PoE always wins over the motivation of making such a book. :/
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Mikrotherion wrote:
I've been calling for some sort of handbook/ tutorial for a long time, albeit infrequently.
Going to some third party wiki (although it is good) and digging up videos on YT is just not the same as having the info provided by the developers themselves.
The problem is that at the moment I don't have enough time to play PoE myself AND compile a book, because my motivation to play PoE always wins over the motivation of making such a book. :/


I would rather see a comprehensive guide on the web-site itself with direct linking to it from in-game.

But i imagine it would eat quite some resources compiling such a source and then keeping it up to date when changes happen to the core functionality of certain mechanics.


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