Plz buff Kaoms Heart back to 1000.

If you average the fire walker path down it's an average 12% dps per node. Which is more damage than I'd get out of celestial punishment's pathing plus celestial punishment during an ignite, and I even come ahead with an extra 4% cast speed. Swapping it to celestial judgement though is closer with a 10% per node average including the travel node which is much more compelling -- but the resist from fire walker also doesn't hurt so I figure it's about even. Assuming I intend to go for celestial judgement by level 100, my pathing is also right now more efficient by a node. And a node is a big deal, as you so meticulously pointed out earlier (that extra node is the one that leads into the fire walker cluster because I would be the outer track versus inner track with your suggestion).
I have a brilliant idea.

Make a Divination card called: Legacy of the Ancestors
Make this card as rare as an exalt or even rarer.

The card would have the ability to "restore" unique items into their legacy state:

Kaom's to 1000 health, Shav's to 250% max energy shield etc...

The card's rarity would ensure that not everyone would be able to spam the market with re-legacy-ed items right away.

Or reserve these card drops for over lvl 75 players only.
I agree that Kaom's sucks now and all in existence should be reverted to the legacy version.
Belly of the Beast is hands down way better.
I've tried both on some toons I have, and sure, maybe the Kaoms gives like 250 more life(MAYBE), but when I'm talking 5500 life versus 5250 life, who cares!?!?!?
Plus the Belly has sockets,'s jsut way better than Kaoms.
Kaoms should be buffed to make it a better choice over belly. I've found like 10 bellies at least in my career here, and 0 kaoms. So the rarity makes up for it being good. It's not BiS for any build atm. Even with buff to 1000, it;'s still a trade off choice, which I think is what GGG is trying to get at.
What if Kaom's were boosted to +1500 life and one socket, which could be only red.

I think all Kaom gear should have a 1 red socket, except Kaom's sign and Kaom's Primacy which obviously would stay as they are now.

That way Kaom stuff wont be a trade off and skins only item.

Kaom's should be at least 750life and up to 40% fire damage no sockets, same armor. The ES pools ES users (CI) can get already trumps hp even in legacy Kaoms. While still retaining huge damage/crit/regen/melee on full/unique perks inherit to ES and its uniques plus block. Low life casters also get upwards of 8k+ ES pretty freely and a slew of defenses i.e block/cwdt spells/tempest shield. 1000Hp on Kaoms really wouldn't break the game but a medium between the 500 and 1000 versions would definitely be fair given the addition of jewels and past hp per level buffs.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Jun 13, 2015, 9:03:41 PM
I agree, it's a T1 unique for pete's sake!

I like to have long term goals but as time goes by and ggg constantly nerfing T1 uniques into mediocracy I am beginning to Wonder why I even bother?

And now they are going to nerf mjolner as well. Where's the consistency in an item's value?

This is the best game since d2 but unlike d2 I feel I'm allways afraid that my characters will be destroyed. I still play my old d2 character 10 years later but I doubt my poe characters will even make it to winter.

Tl;dr Please buff kaoms back to it's legendary former self and for god's sake don't touch my hard earned mjolner.

Last edited by Bearbarion on Jun 15, 2015, 12:30:25 PM
Bearbarion wrote:
I agree, it's a T1 unique for pete's sake!

I like to have long term goals but as time goes by and ggg constantly nerfing T1 uniques into mediocracy I am beginning to Wonder why I even bother?

And now they are going to nerf mjolner as well. Where's the consistency in an item's value?

This is the best game since d2 but unlike d2 I feel I'm allways afraid that my characters will be destroyed. I still play my old d2 character 10 years later but I doubt my poe characters will even make it to winter.

Tl;dr Please buff kaoms back to it's legendary former self and for god's sake don't touch my hard earned mjolner.

They "shouldn't" be changing exsisting mjolners as the whole premise around the creation of legacy was a technical limitation at the time. While they may make it legacy by making its new proc chance lower, they have no reason at all to change existing ones, especially a value change just like every other legacy ever.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Well, if they legacy it then the current price of old Mjolners will most likely be doubled or tripled depending on how much they nerf it.

So sad because I was really looking forward to finding one.

More and more I'm thinking that someone should make a Legacy Divination Card. Every time I check to see the new one's they submitted I am in such anticipation, then I see them, Duh..

Some guy even made a Divination for a stack of 40 Scroll of Wisdom *FACEPALM*. Way to waste money I would say. I mean only those who buy Highgate are allowed to design and submit Div cards and he/she wasted it on ID scrolls. What a "troll".

Peterking72 wrote:
Well, if they legacy it then the current price of old Mjolners will most likely be doubled or tripled depending on how much they nerf it.

So sad because I was really looking forward to finding one.

More and more I'm thinking that someone should make a Legacy Divination Card. Every time I check to see the new one's they submitted I am in such anticipation, then I see them, Duh..

Some guy even made a Divination for a stack of 40 Scroll of Wisdom *FACEPALM*. Way to waste money I would say. I mean only those who buy Highgate are allowed to design and submit Div cards and he/she wasted it on ID scrolls. What a "troll".

They changed it to 30% proc chance instead of 50%. The base attackspeed was increased, which should be retroactive.

I don't expect a legacy mjolner to be any less then 120-150 exalts. Then again similarly to legacy shavs it isn't really necessary to complete the build to have the legacy version.

Even if I found the "nerfed" mjolner I would be happy, considering the lack of any T1 or probably any T2 unqiue dropping for me.

They won't probably allow people to make legacy items as divination cards, it defeats the whole purpose of legacy items....

The ID scroll one is actually quite useful, IMO it should give more scrolls then that, but hey it should be pretty common.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
The reason why nerfing makes me sad is because those "soon to be legacy" Mjolners are already owned by players who will probably going to keep them or sell them for crazy amounts of currency. That 150 exalts you wrote would be probably only true for the lower eschelon rolls of legacy Mjolners. Perfect rolls would be twice that pricey.
I will never have that much currency and even if I did I wouldn't spend it all at once on one item, legacy or not.
Sadly this is the price I pay for being a casual player. I can't farm entire days, because I have a job and other stuff to do also.
I wish I was so lucky that game reviews would be my job and my GF were a hot PC nerd.


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