Should Path of Exile be working on the missing male/female models for their respective classes?

How about no?
Xavderion wrote:
I couldn't care less, I barely even see the gender under all the armour.

Sums it up for me.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Snorkle_uk wrote:
yep money, too much.

someone who knows correct me if im wrong, but I think this is a big factor...

right now all the normal/magic/rare body armours, boots and glvoes are not the real artwork, they are stand in artwork. the reason we dont have them is mostly down to how long it takes to 'fit' the ingame armour models to all the different classes, they have to do them 1 by 1 and make sure none of the animations poke through the armours etc. Thats so time consuming with the 7 current player models that 2 years in we still dont even have the proper rare armour artwork in the game and the unique armours are taking their time coming through in dribs and drabs. So not only do they have to animate 7 more chars, but refit every existing bit of armour to those base models, and then that doubles the amount of time it will take to fit all the proper armours that we still dont have because its already so time consuming. From what I can tell thats an unthinkable amount of effort to go through even if every single player in the game wanted them added, before we even go into dialogue, ui changes to select between them, all this other stuff involved.

I dont see that it could ever make sense to add them, this sort of game is endless dev time, we will never be at a point where there isnt more they could be adding than they have the resources to add.

diablo 3 has them right? Well think about the armours in that game. If I put a cindercoat on a barbarian its not its own model, its an existing piece of rare barbarian armour that has been retextured red, if I put it on a crusader its an existing crusader armour retextured red etc etc. They didnt have the time and budget to make an individual piece of art for cindercoat and fit it to every single character. GGG are trying to find the time to have an armour like Kaoms have its own in game art that is the same thing fitted to all the classes, theyre going way above and beyond what blizzard put into their in game art for items, so for GGG to do this means immensely more work than it meant for Blizzard to add gender choice on each class. A cindercoat on my crusader is exactly the same in game model as a Blackthorns Surcoat which is exactly the same model as a Brigandine Coat rare chest armour, they just changed the colour of the texture and said hey, heres your legendary in game art, I know its dogshit but we spent all the money on cgi trailers and youve already paid for the game so fuck you, deal with it.

This game is free to play and theyre not cheaping out on item art, theyre trying to do it properly, as it should be done, and if that means no gender swapping then imo, fine, Id much rather finally see the day when all the proper item art is finished and looks as it should look on the current 7 player models.

*tips hat*

You speak the truth good sir, many blessings to you.

I very much love the "added new art for xxx" in the patchnotes etc :).

Good read snorkle, peace,

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
The only way they should do it is if they can pre-sell enough of them to pay for the costs to make them up-front. I'd recommend $20US for each character you want unlocked.
Male Scion anyone? I'll tell you what I am interested in: them working on a gag or muzzle for the Scion. I hate what comes out of her mouth, but would hate to turn off the voice track. I think a muffled failing to speak would be gratifying and still trigger that something happened.

Too much package = hmm uuh acach.

How great would that be. First world problems!
Chris wrote:

It's incredibly expensive (so many animations required), so if we did this it'd have to be as a microtransaction. We don't believe there's enough interest in alternate-sex skins to justify that microtransaction yet.

I laughed hard here when was reading Q&A

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