Loot alarm/notifier?

There are two loot detectors installed just above and to the side of your nose.

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When u are in a team of 6 people, u got a discharger (or 2) a leapslamer a summoner and multistrike melee guy fighting a horde of mobs.

Can u honestly tell me u can hear the loud sound of chaos drop ?

Playing path of exile for a long time now and i can tell you the best improvment GGG can do is a visual pointer for notable loots & currencies on mini-map or at least a better sound.
Gary_GGG wrote:
Any third party software that interferes with the game is against the terms of service. As mentioned above, Orbs do make a sound, so if you learn that sound, you will usually hear when something drops.

Or you could just give us the loot options a modern game should have ......
Spectral Throw
great again
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
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Last edited by Dethklok on Feb 19, 2015, 5:38:41 PM
Gary_GGG wrote:
rarugren wrote:
Is there any kind of loot alarm or notifier available for PoE? I'm always paranoid that I've missed a chaos somewhere on the ground or something! Would be great if there was an audio trigger that would notify when specific loots drop, or maybe a log that you can sort though before you close out a zone?

Any third party software that interferes with the game is against the terms of service. As mentioned above, Orbs do make a sound, so if you learn that sound, you will usually hear when something drops.

I will say this, it would be a lot cooler if high tier currency dropped with a unique animation like unique items do.

Say instead of the orangish-gold color, it's more luminous like the Angelic color tones used already in the game.
PoofGoof wrote:
Gary_GGG wrote:
rarugren wrote:
Is there any kind of loot alarm or notifier available for PoE? I'm always paranoid that I've missed a chaos somewhere on the ground or something! Would be great if there was an audio trigger that would notify when specific loots drop, or maybe a log that you can sort though before you close out a zone?

Any third party software that interferes with the game is against the terms of service. As mentioned above, Orbs do make a sound, so if you learn that sound, you will usually hear when something drops.

I will say this, it would be a lot cooler if high tier currency dropped with a unique animation like unique items do.

Say instead of the orangish-gold color, it's more luminous like the Angelic color tones used already in the game.

I'm thinking the character should say something, maybe along the lines of "THANK YOU, RNGESUS", or "I'M FUCKING RICH!" or maybe just a generic "WOO!" if a nice orb drops. kind of like in Borderlands
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Just play carefully and remember the sounds:

Exalted drop:






*Dont confuse with Blacksmith's Gelgelgelgelgel
My Low Life nonShav's/Solaris guide -> https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1192209/page/1/
Last edited by robotamen on Feb 19, 2015, 4:12:26 PM
OH lol what a funny topic :)

And well i sometimes when mapping high maps have impresiion of hearing map drop but then i check here and there and no maps. Must be my imagination that wish some nice 78 drop :P

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
KingCroc wrote:
I can tell you from experience that a Mirror of Kalandra makes the same sound as a chaos orb when it drops

Damn it, put that stuff in spoilers. Now my long time thought that it was *awesome* is completely destroyed :)

I always envisioned that when (yup, when...very optimistic on my future) I had one drop it was like the GGG easter egg of sorts.

...maybe even
Last edited by Nubatron on Feb 19, 2015, 7:16:45 PM
Loot filter would be such a nice addition
i <3 minesweeper

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