[1.3 BOTW ] _*-*Avatar of Fire Shockwave Totems Build*-*_ [VIDEOS][REVISED]

Hey there, played SWT crit before but this variation looks interesting for sure!

Just wondering one thing, why are you using this quiver if you got avatar of fire? i'm just not getting the utility at all, and if thats for the flat fire damage well thats almost nothing. Wouldnt you be better with a rare quiver that has crit/crit multi/life for instance?

Btw MoM does work with the new EB just for some clarification amount of damage taken goes to ES :)

Thanks n sorry for the poor english ^^
I think that tree should look something like this

My tree. lvl 88. (2.0)
DPS 23.626 Hatred\HoA\Fire golem
Passive skill tree build
Do you have mana problems? What do you use to restore it?

Please show a screenshot of yout SWT DPS
mana no problems, only on maps with -reg
all gems 20% lvl 17-18
5 link
sorry for the Russian screenshot but the character in Russian server. but I think everything is clear

Armor: 1215
fire 75%(105%)
ice 75%(220%)
light 75%(147%)
chaos 41%(41%)
Last edited by skank777 on Aug 10, 2015, 6:52:45 PM

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