1.3.0d Patch Notes

Thanks for the update and keep up the good work. I'm glad it was released promptly. I'm not sure if the dps was set too high on order of the frozen sky or if it's just that when 7 casts stack it did more damage. I also just wanted to know if it was honestly tested endgame before it's release. Either way I didn't have too much trouble with it. I can see end game wise it's just not something you want to play around especially when you're capped cold res and still get wrecked. So rip those who tested the damage and got this update to happen. ripriprip KappaKeepo
Can the number of Torment spirits be increased since this is the torment league. The number of spirits spawn rates seem to be exactly the same as strongboxes if not lower.
Thanks so much for the frozen sky changes! It sounds like this will be a good fix, keeping it as a dangerous mod, but NOT a ridiculous mod that has ways of killing you without much warning.
Does that include any and all monsters spawned from strongboxes? They are hidden by default. I dont want to open a box and bam! dead like Pohx.

Qarl wrote:
Version 1.3.0d
General Improvements:
  • The Bloodlines mod Order of the Frozen Sky now deals less damage, but gains damage as each member of its pack is killed. The mod will no longer spawn on monster types that are hidden by default.
    Edit, does this text show?
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Last edited by Chameleon on Dec 17, 2014, 11:06:52 PM
Flicker strike was definitely broken
God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth
RedxFrost wrote:
Squirrely wrote:
Any changes coming with heavy strike perma-stun? those are some of the most boring duels ever.

Can confirm this lol

Just don't let them touch you Marauders are suckers for Bear Traps.
God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth
Redblade wrote:
sftruze wrote:
i took Smashing strike to generate endurance charge with Spell crit.

i need some regrets to fix my skill tree.

im sad...

I only based my entire build around that node and spent 10ex+ in gear for it...I'm not sad, words can't describe the anger I feel right now.

Please, it's sad you lost the currency but can you complain? Smashing Strike is obviously belonging to a melee cluster. The fact that it worked with non-melee/spells is just because it was probably overlooked. Devs and QAers are no machines and stuff like this can happen and it's awesome that it gets fixed so soon.

To complain about it is like complaining that snapshotting was removed.

And please don't start with the clever use of game mechanics talk. Tell yourself it was fun while it lasted.
### r4wb1rd ###
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/r4wb1rd
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/r4wb1rdGaming/
Babel PoE: https://github.com/rowolff/babel-poe/releases
A bit frustrating...after 2 subsequent patches and the guild stash tab bug still hasn't been fixed.
Qarl wrote:
Version 1.3.0d
  • To search for an item level you can specify either "itemlevel:X" or "ilvl:X" where X is the level number. There cannot be a space before or after the colon, or before or after the number.

Sorry Qarl, but this feature is simply too easy to understand and use!

Instead, I suggest you make it that we have to type ± (Unicode U+00B1) instead of the colon, but only when there is a full moon visible in the southern hemisphere and the hour (in twenty-four hour format) is divisible evenly by 7.

If there is only a half or crescent moon, users have to search for itemlevel using the colon, but only if it is placed after any numbers and is preceded by at least fourteen spaces (although sixteen or more spaces will crash the client intentionally).

I am sure you will agree that it's far easier to implement my suggested changes than it is for professional programmers to learn to program using fundamental principles such as validating inputs (heard of regular expressions, maybe?) and boundary value analysis.
Last edited by stabwah on Dec 18, 2014, 2:29:41 AM
Qarl wrote:
Version 1.3.0d
Clicking a Stash Tab or hitting enter will deselect the Stash Item Highlighting box. while the highlight textbox is selected will now deselect the textbox. CTRL+F will focus the textbox and select all text inside.

Last edited by PopeJo on Dec 18, 2014, 2:30:29 AM

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