Content Update 1.3.0 Patch Notes, Deployment Timeline and Official Path of Exile Twitch Channel

Optee wrote:
ilenoc wrote:
Optee wrote:
Absolutely 100% of people crying here haven't played the new patch. Just wait for it, check it out, then decide what to do. And everyone talking about tornado shot / flameblast, no one is making you play it. You don't have to play the BEST skill, play the most enjoyable skill, and fucking wait to test it out, don't cry to get attention and up-votes.

Are you for real? So what will happen when I play the game? After all those block and defensive nerfes, is there a chance that my characters survival increase? Do I really need to play to see the obvious?

I haven't said it will increase, nor have I said it will be unplayable. Learn to kite, maybe the reactive skills will give you the power to push through, maybe something else. The point is I haven't said anything good or anything bad, I just said wait and test it.

Some people needs to wait , test and see it. and some people is foresighted, can see what will happen...

You will see, GGG will regret from their decisions AGAIN. Once they see how low the PvP community is, they will revert some of these nerfes and buff everyone again...

This is not happening for the first time. They just make players angry. Nothing else...
Last edited by ilenoc on Dec 12, 2014, 3:19:22 AM
"Added support for Stash Item Highlighting. If you enter text in the "Highlight Items" box, it'll highlight any items in the currently viewed tab that contain that text."

THAT IS SO GRATe that i made my 1'st fost just to sherae. THANK U GGG
Sure, we have to play the new version to see how everything plays out, but judging from the patch notes, I cannot see that the game should have become that much harder for ranged characters. For me it looks like GGG has specifically made the game harder for melee characters, does this mean, that GGG found melee to much overpowered (and the game was found to be to easy for melee builds?)?
I think i'll roll up a melee duelist just to prove all you naysayers wrong.

Good work GGG
A minute of silence for all the crit build around
Chris wrote:
For reference, 2pm NZ time is 5pm PST

for a better coordination at the 'rest of the world'


could you add (in further announcements)

a reference to the 'global' GMT too?!

(especially since the time difference changes at three times per year with the different daylight saving dates and I'm not always sure which is the actual 'right' one)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Last edited by Mr_Cee on Dec 12, 2014, 3:25:24 AM
Common feedback is that we need to buff the weaker skills

so why the hell didn't you do that?
I love using lesser used skills, but what's the point if it can only get me so far? might as well switch to something worth my time...
Last edited by eoryu on Dec 12, 2014, 3:31:00 AM
Auras and aura-like effects can now affect totems.
Summoned totems are only affected by auras that affect defensive properties.

they already affected shockwave totem i'm pretty sure.
think this is going to massively nerf my SWT character :(
monosama wrote:
Auras and aura-like effects can now affect totems.
Summoned totems are only affected by auras that affect defensive properties.

they already affected shockwave totem i'm pretty sure.
think this is going to massively nerf my SWT character :(

The totems got buffed, nothing about offensive aura's were changed. They added the ability to buff totems with defensive aura's so the damage is exactly the same and the potential defense is stronger than before.
For reference, 2pm NZ time is 5pm PST.

I know we can check this stuff ourselves, but how about more consideration for Europe players?

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