Willing to bet that instead of nerfing Crit GGG is going to introduce Crit immune mobs

Antnee wrote:
It's not a terrible idea, though I hate immunities. I'd rather see something like damage reduction from crits... or, if we wanna get evil...

crits reflect 10% more damage

You hate immunities? How retarded would it be if you could perma freeze uber? Almost as retarded as one shot phases crit gives. Thats how.
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
Antnee wrote:
It's not a terrible idea, though I hate immunities. I'd rather see something like damage reduction from crits... or, if we wanna get evil...

crits reflect 10% more damage

You hate immunities? How retarded would it be if you could perma freeze uber? Almost as retarded as one shot phases crit gives. Thats how.

Well, first off, you would need to do enough damage to freeze her in the first place. Second, you'd need to do it fast enough to maintain it. (no adds to proliferate!) I'd say that if you can meet those two conditions, you've won even without the freezing aspect.

In general, yes, immunity is a cop-out mechanic. There are better ways to deal with a problematic balancing issue than just saying "fuck it, immune."

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Crit immunity won't happen. My crit bow ranger has very decent stuff but nothing overpowered, dps in town with Hatred and HoA is 44.6k for Puncture and 14k for Split Arrow. Without crit it would be... 9.8k and 4.2k. I can't see GGG introducing a mod that reduce one's damage by a factor of 3 to about 5 (or even more for a build that stacks more crit multi).
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If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch.
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Last edited by Panini_aux_olives on Nov 14, 2014, 7:25:49 PM
Antnee wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
Antnee wrote:
It's not a terrible idea, though I hate immunities. I'd rather see something like damage reduction from crits... or, if we wanna get evil...

crits reflect 10% more damage

You hate immunities? How retarded would it be if you could perma freeze uber? Almost as retarded as one shot phases crit gives. Thats how.

Well, first off, you would need to do enough damage to freeze her in the first place. Second, you'd need to do it fast enough to maintain it. (no adds to proliferate!) I'd say that if you can meet those two conditions, you've won even without the freezing aspect.

In general, yes, immunity is a cop-out mechanic. There are better ways to deal with a problematic balancing issue than just saying "fuck it, immune."

Regardless of HP the minimum freeze time on any object is .3 seconds - quite easy to cast/attack @ 4x a sec in this game for perma.

Immune is cool after all some players are immune to many things. Fair is fair.

But I wouldnt go there on crit breaks way too many things. Just needs to be toned down is all.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Nov 14, 2014, 7:31:20 PM
Crit immunity would never happen right? If the mod did exist, then against those mobs we would be dealing (gasp) regular non-crit damage!!!!

Who could ever kill anything or survive without dealing crits? It would be the end of the world.
Ever heard of CoC gem? You'd deal essentially no damage with crit immune.
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
Ever heard of CoC gem? You'd deal essentially no damage with crit immune.
Ever heard of ice spear on a dual totem build? Even with ancestral bond and dealing no damage it still rolls crits and can proc crit based things (pcoc). Just because the enemy is immune to crit damage does not mean you arent critting or hitting.
Last edited by Splift on Nov 14, 2014, 7:54:46 PM
Jesus, all these crit nerf discussion threads are such aids
Malum95 wrote:
Jesus, all these crit nerf discussion threads are such aids

Worst topic's ever yep.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Not certain what they're aiding. Seems the opposite.

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