Petition to GGG: Overall Game Performance

path of exile expert
There's a few they can do at the moment, as it's too late.

IMO they completely gave up and are following the cash flow till there is one.
They will milk this game and throw it away when financial perspectives lessen, with few efforts on optimizing content, as it requires expenses only and they aren't much concerned about player's convenience, not even discussing to pay for it.

When game's up to the point it doesn't generate solid profit, they will just start working on PoE 2, if it's not already in progress.

The problem is in people that are willing to pay for an unfinished unoptimized content, prolonging the agony.
I, personally, did support in the past, been paying for perspectives and enthusiastic efforts.
Can't find a single reason why to, today.

I will repeat myself - they will milk that ill old cow, till there are enough supporters to keep it alive. Meanwhile forget about solid improvements.

People could be ridiculously naive at times.
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The Experts ™ 2017
I just want an option to turn weather effects off. :(
I believe OP made many valid an reasonable points. PoE is a good game - great game, but the way ggg is treating desynch is simply not smart. The last few updates have all added mechanics/areas/monsters which are super susceptible to desynch, its like the devs never actually play their game and so dont realize what a frustrating experience it can be. They seem to keep their eyes wide shut and plow on, treating desynch like a mechanic in its own right. Which I'm pretty sure its not meant to be.

I guess its not fixable, in which case it should be minimized, but ggg only seems to be exacerbating the problem and turning a blind eye, something I'd never have expected of them when I started playing OB.
inDef wrote:
Nubatron wrote:
inDef wrote:

Oh god, here we go.

De-sync is NOT the same thing as latency.

Everyone has latency. Latency is dependent on the rate at which the electromagnetic waves that make up your data packets are transmitted and received by the client/server. This data is transmitted at the speed of light.

De-sync is a disagreement between the client and server of what that data is. And in the case of PoE, the server-state is always correct and will re-sync your client as necessary (or you force a sync with /oos). This process has NOTHING to do with physics and all to do with software implementation.

So how is it that every online game that I've ever played has literally no or minimal de-sync in comparison to PoE? Can you imagine if you loaded up the next AAA MMORPG and mobs and other players were teleporting around on your screen...and the dev company said, "Sorry about that! But there's nothing we can do because we need to prevent hacks/cheats!".

I'm thinking you are missing a fundamental piece of their implementation. Latency plays directly into desync. The client is guessing what is happening on the server while packets traverse the network. It cannot be verified until the data gets to server and actual server state is relayed back. If client is close, the client continues. If not, sync required.

Each frame that occurs on the client has the chance to get out of sync with the server. The number of frames that occur during the travel time between the server and the client increases as the packet transit time increases.

I think I'm the one that should be saying 'oh no, here we go again'. The development manifesto does a good job explaining exactly this concept. I'm only a satellite systems engineer, so me explaining it will leave much to be desired. The whole people skills from the 'Office Space'. :p

EDIT: Adding in thoughts from Mivo. The mechanics that can cause the major desyncs through a latent network could be a possible thing to examine if the problem is as prevalent as the forum makes it out to be. I happen to be on a nice rig in an well connected area in somewhat close proximity to the server (low latency, highly available, little network congestion) so I really do not see it like others do.

EDIT2: And just to beat a dead horse: the more latent the transport line is, even at the time of a may already be significantly out of sync with the server if something movement related occurs during that time period. Example: monster that charges during resync on server after the server state was sent to the client.

I don't know, nor care, how PoE's server software works.

It needs to be fixed.

And since you decided to throw out "oh I'm just a satellite engineer" to try and impress someone, I'll give you the response you deserve.

Most engineers, especially lazy ones who work in the Department of Defense (read satellite engineer), get stuck in their stagnant cubicle jobs because they refuse to actually use their brain. They follow a set of directions. They go by what a textbook taught them. They never stray the path set forth for them. This is you. This is why you defend an un-mistakable human error in development. Because the textbook says that the speed of light is 3x10^8 m/s. The textbook says that latency will always cause de-sync in packet communication and cannot be fixed because of physics!

On paper, GGG's excuse for de-sync makes sense. Real engineers don't work on paper. We work on problems and we solve them, no matter what the textbook says. You, will never be a real engineer.

Hahhahahahhahahahah. I think we are getting to the crux of it.

So basically if I were to paraphrase what you just said: "Ok, I made a statement that was at the root incorrect and I don't care. Now I'm going to pretend to know what I'm talking about more in spite of that and pretend that I know you/your background. I don't need no book lernin', thats fer dem elitist"

I never made an excuse for problems that you and some others have. I simply stated that there are some aspects of their implementation that make desync a natural state of being....even if you were connected to the servers in the data center, you would still be a little out of sync.

As for your 'real engineers' comment -- not even worth being dignified with a response other than 'real engineers' don't make patently false statements, backtrack and then start slinging shit when their ignorance is put on display. That is more like the 'cubicle engineer' you describe. Besides, I sit in an office..not a cubicle :)

As for the final part:

I don't know, nor care, how PoE's server software works.

It needs to be fixed.

This is how my wife approaches things sometimes and it rarely leads to a logical or desired outcome. Pointing out a problem, suggesting a "fix", and not understanding underlying reason for said problem can lead to a larger problem.

Each person has their own set of issues and in turn, a set of requirements that they would levy against GGG if given the opportunity.

For me, their current approach meets most of my needs. It's not perfect, but it does effectively combat client side exploits that I've grown to despise over the years and does not cause severe sync issues for me. If I were king for a day (and acting selfishly), I would implement a topology that is similar to a typical MOBA -- client waits for server acknowledgement prior to acting. Predictive models will never get it completely right -- like I said earlier, if GGG could do that they would be rich.

Anyway, spouting off at the mouth without a clue of what you are talking about tends to lead to credibility taking a hit....I don't get the impression that you mind that though. To each their own -- each of us walk this path of life differently...some stumbling more than others.
Last edited by Nubatron on Sep 23, 2014, 4:43:50 AM
Not going to address or deny the desync, it has been discussed many times.

But all of you that do +1 can you post your computer specs also please because i am 100% sure some of you are playing on coffee machines, have no duco's to upgrade and than expect a game to downscale to your specs

I am fine with the performance of the game as hey presto i do upgrade my coffee machine.

Joined a party the guy is moaning how shit the game is performing, when i asked what specs he had i did slightly cry that someone still run xp on 4gb of memory with a gtx 200 serie

Having several laptops and pc's ranging from 6 months old hardware to maximum 3 year old hardware i have no problems running Poe.

I don't have the fps drops some people complain about but I run PoE on a good rig and desynch a lot. Ati 6950, i5 K2500, 8 gb ram, on an ssd. Its a few years old but doesn't have any problems with other games, and desynch isnt caused by hardware anyway.
torturo wrote:
IMO they completely gave up and are following the cash flow till there is one.
They will milk this game and throw it away when financial perspectives lessen, with few efforts on optimizing content, as it requires expenses only and they aren't much concerned about player's convenience, not even discussing to pay for it.

It surely looks like.

I can understand desync is not-fixable.
I can understand that re-hauling your graphics engine takes a lot of time and resources.

What I don't understand why GGG is completely avoiding any QoL improvements to interface that are badly needed: the promised trading rehaul, better guild managment, better party management, better minimap... and all the 100s small improvements, that would make the gameplay more polished.

They completely ignore this stuff. The only logical explanation is, yes, milk the cow till it goes. Avoid working on everything that does not produce MTX cash inflow.

But all of you that do +1 can you post your computer specs also please

i5-2500K Quad core
16 GB system RAM
GTX 550 ti 1 GB + GTX 570 2.5 GB

Comp specs are more or less irrelevant. All I need to see is other games with better visuals, running smooth and PoE running like crap on the same comp.
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Last edited by morbo on Sep 23, 2014, 5:05:13 AM
This is how my wife approaches things sometimes and it rarely leads to a logical or desired outcome. Pointing out a problem, suggesting a "fix", and not understanding underlying reason for said problem can lead to a larger problem.

[insert sexist joke followed by removed by support]
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
I agree with OP

AFAIK PoE is the first game GGG has made. That makes me think that they didn't have all the technical knowledge that I am sure they have now.

As a programmer, I know what a nightmare can be considering a PoE 2.0 version but GGG should give it a thought.
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