*Item Rarity, boss runs, 1500 dom kills ,disappointment

Chaos recipe, buy-sell. If you can't stand grinding, that is not a game for you.

Over 1000 hours played, the most expensive thing I ever had was Pledge of Hands (and maybe Drillneck too).
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
I think this would be an appropriate place to share that the first dominus kill I made after the dyadus unique was released resulted in a dyadus drop. I sold it for 20 ex. Now it's worth a chaos

Just saying
if you play this game for getting rewarded, you are totally playing the wrong game.
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There aren't actually a ton of uniques that sell for over an exalt right now... It was easier in past leagues when things were more expensive. We've seen quite a strong economy in Rampage so far and prices have been lowered because of it. You can get a Lioneye's Glare and an Alpha's howl for under an Exalt TOGETHER if you find a half decent deal.

This means that the pool of items you are looking to drop is actually much smaller than previous leagues. I ran Dominus perhaps 10-15 times last night and dropped the Crypt unique map and Infractem. That's not too terrible IMO... But I've run Dominus hundreds of times and I think my best unique drop was a Rise of the Phoenix when it was worth 2 ex...

I've dropped approximately 100 uniques in the new league. My best drops are Cloak of Defiance and Alpha's Howl. I hope it's not 1 in 5000 for a top tier drop but Im beginning to think it very well could be...
Why the fuck are we talking about uniques? The best uniques SHOULD be rare as fuck. I played D2 for 8 years self found, without getting the full Tal Rasha set. Am I OK with that? YES!

The problem isn't uniques. The problem is rares. Level appropriate rares DO NOT DROP - AT ALL - unless you are lucky as fuck. That means that trading is the only way to go - and we have YET AN OTHER aRPG that is about grinding currency to hit the AH with.

Yes, the masters is a HUGE step in the right direction. The "dream" shouldn't only be the best uniques. The "dream" should also be about high end rares. And the fact that high end rares do not drop - and Chris doesn't want them to drop - takes alot away from this jewel of a game.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I have to say this:

You've chosen a playstyle that you don't enjoy and are blaming the game for it. Look to yourself here. Find a playstyle that you enjoy. If you never learned how to have fun with a game, you really should.

This game is most fun when you struggle with making it (what ever it is) with the limited stuff you find. Removing that limit (by trading) takes the fun out of it and turns it into a job where you have to assess the "value" of everything and make sure your "production" is efficient. Sounds more like work than a game.
Perq wrote:
Chaos recipe, buy-sell. If you can't stand grinding, that is not a game for you.

Over 1000 hours played, the most expensive thing I ever had was Pledge of Hands (and maybe Drillneck too).

I don't mind "grinding" but GGG is taking it to the next level that's for sure.

1.2k Hours on Steam, around 300-ish before it was added to Steam, due to school etc.
But I'm slowly getting enough of these shitty droprates.

Nemesis I gave up and just started flipping items like mad, I could then buy what I want, and enjoy a build for once in my lifetime, instead of doing some silly Flameblast/Flame Totem/Searing Bond/Etc which is awful boring to play by the way.
Don't even bring up Summoner, you're forced to level up as anything else than a fucking Summoner, which destroys the whole purpose.

Game needs a huge overhaul, should not promote:
- Nolifing
- Party play 24/7
- RMT (Don't act like you don't know what I talk about here)
- Trade-spamming and item-flipping
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
ogorhan wrote:
If theres one thing I learned in PoE, its that there is literally no point in "farming" uniques. No matter if you run with 9999 iir/iiq or 0 iir/iiq you will still get only the bottom tier uniques. More iir/iiq will only net you just more useless uniques. Just play normally like you would to and if rngesus smiles at you and all stars are alligned you will get something worth more then 1ex.

Wise words. And it's more satisfying when you get that good unique with 0 MF :)
"Live by the sword, live a good, LONG time"
tackle70 wrote:
NambrVan wrote:
Domi should be only for fun.

This is incorrect, particularly for solo play. You get WAY more drops from doing Dominus runs than from maps. You get a lot more chaos recipes and far more uniques.

Farming Dominus is the fastest way to build wealth in this game, possibly with the exception of Uber Atziri farming? Not sure on that one.

He said he is organizing runs so he isnt doing solo runs. Domi runs r good for u if u r not mf. For mf its waste of time. U r not getting more loot from domi. Im soloing maps with 0 mf and in most situations im hitting town with full or half inv. If u farm domi every 5 days to collect rings/belts/amu, from every map u have chaos recipes too with chance for better items. If he runs 74 maps with only 1 dps, they will get more items then from 6 ppl group, they will need to stop at least once per map to empty inv and each of them have 50% chance to get unique/rare/currency drops. I agree with ur building state, but as lvl 79/80 he isnt building anymore ...
never play poe expecting big thicket drops sir. they wont drop.
IGN: Ziggro

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