[2.5 Video Guide] Beginner's Build: Dual Flame Totem, Blood Magic Chieftain [Atziri & HC/SC Viable]

What kinda jewels do you guys use?
Is that stun immune +life for str for totems jewel good?

how do i paste items btw?
Last edited by pekinaama on Apr 28, 2016, 1:47:59 AM
I tried Orb of Storms with Curse on Hit and it felt very clunky. Even with 20 quality the orb is not that big, and the cast range is so small you can basically only drop it on your feet.

Then I tried CWDT - Ice Spear - Inc. Critical Strikes - GMP instead of the Arctic Breath setup, dropped some life nodes for Elemental Overload, and it's been working great.

Ice Spear is at 8.9% base crit chance with 20q crit gem. The 108% crit chance from gem gives spear's first form 18.5% crit, and the second form around 62% crit. (would work even better with Infernal Mantle but I've failed at 6linking mine so far).

After a bit of tweaking, and losing some defences, I have the following dps numbers (lvl 21 Flame Totem):

- 38.5k dps (with Lightning Golem)
- 54k dps with LG + Elemental Overload
- 62k dps with LG + EO + Atziri flask

- 40% fire penetration from gem + tree
- 127% fire penetration with Elemental Weakness + Flammability + gem + tree

Passive tree and jewels:

Here is my latest gear:

I used these before I added Winds of Change

And these before I got addicted to Seven-league Step

Just tried replacing my 7% cast speed ring with an Essence Worm and lvl 20 Anger. A high-level Haste would also be interesting, but needs more dex than I have right now.


- 42.4k dps LG + Anger
- 59.5k dps LG + Anger + EO
- 68.4k dps LG + Anger + EO + Atziri flask

I'm pretty happy with this, after being stuck at 28-32k dps for a long time.

Other things I'll try to test if I can get them:

- lvl 3 or 4 Empower
- Repentance gloves and dropping Iron Will gem
- better wand
- 6L Mantle or Lioneye's


Many thanks for all the ideas guys, it's been helpful seeing what everyone else is doing. Finally got that damn totem eagle today :D.

Feel free to message me in-game (ign: Lamenipples) if you'd like help with anything.
Last edited by StunnisBaratheon on Apr 29, 2016, 9:00:04 PM
I wanna thank LnB for this awesome build , I started as dual flame totem and in the end I converted to full chaos totem with double consuming dark, I have so much fun with this build despite others say it's boring.


dps in town

dps with vaal haste + atziri's promise

defensive stats

I pretty much consider having insane gear but is there any way I could get more out of it? I wanna max out this build.
Last edited by wintertale on Apr 30, 2016, 6:31:37 AM
Last edited by Durish on Apr 30, 2016, 10:59:42 PM
@Durish , wow , then I clearly did wrong by going chaos with consuming dark , since you reached almost 100k dps with only 1 wand equipped.
How does one deal with the lack of INT? :3
@wintertale, keep in mind that monsters have lower chaos resistance most of the time, and you also apply poison stacks on them, so you might actually do more damage than Durith.

@Durith, looks great. You'd most likely go past 100k with a rare shield and crafted cast speed on it.

I just tried 2 of the 3 Flame Totem enchants.

25% Flame Totem damage adds 100 less dps than my Ylfeban's Trickery helmet.

1 additional Flame Totem projectile doesn't affect tooltip dps. But supposing you had 75k damage with the standard 3 projectiles, wouldn't a 4th projectile add another 25k damage?

Also tried Vaal Haste and I'm seeing around 75k dps with LG + Anger + EO + Atziri flask + Vaal Haste.
Can anyone give me a pasive tree for a templar pls ?
Togagg wrote:
Can anyone give me a pasive tree for a templar pls ?

Start with the Marauder tree, add points that lead to Templar starting point(i would suggest ele/spell damage point personally) and then remove Marauder start points. Tadaaaaaaaaaa!
Before anyone asks, yes this build is very viable for the upcoming 2-week race!

Best of luck! :)
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