[Strongest Solo Variation: Projectile Madness Spectres] LMP/GMP Ice Spear 2x Totem 2x Curse 3x Traps

So do we take the cast speed nodes in beginning or not? Just trying to see why to follow, leveling build or spec in first post, since they are different.
This might have been asked already but ill ask again, How much ES do we want before taking CI?
Can I ask where you're picking up the Dex to keep levelling the traps?
Do surgeon's flasks (charge on crit) work with totems?

Reminder because it got lost already and no responses.. I made another thread with some ideas on this build and requesting some advice.. link
Galadedrid wrote:
Can I ask where you're picking up the Dex to keep levelling the traps?

I was wondering the same thing. Are we going to have to get the dex on equipment or invest some points into some dex nodes?
IGN - JessicaJungGG
EyeSmilesGG wrote:
Galadedrid wrote:
Can I ask where you're picking up the Dex to keep levelling the traps?

I was wondering the same thing. Are we going to have to get the dex on equipment or invest some points into some dex nodes?


p.s. i have no completed act 3 merc on my lvl 60 character.
IGN: hyperculler (torment)
Last edited by hypershatter on Jan 29, 2013, 11:30:08 PM
Chypre wrote:
Do surgeon's flasks (charge on crit) work with totems?

Reminder because it got lost already and no responses.. I made another thread with some ideas on this build and requesting some advice.. link

Not for me they don't! For the same reason traps work, it's not the player that is critting - it's the traps/totems.
IGN: Naforce
So, question for the ages:

Can this build beat an EK build in clearing maps?
I answered the dex questions already. Please check the previous pages!

I'll repeat myself for clarity: You might be at a stage where you have a surplus of dex due to gear. Level 2 bear traps. One for your 74ish Dex that you'll have with the assigned dex nodes, my other bear trap was focused around 129 dex due to my necklace which gave 40 dex. The difference in damage on the traps was roughly 3k.

Traps are just bonus awesomeness, you don't need them to do crazy dps. Firetraps/Beartraps doing 1k each is fine. Firetraps are starting to out scale bear traps with my current gear.

Also: Solo'd all of A2 with this build, and I have worse gear than hypershatter I think. I'm 60 and I'm putting off CI till 70 I think
IGN @Badwald
Last edited by grimwald on Jan 30, 2013, 12:44:42 AM
Hello hypershatter.

Just wanted to share my experience with this build to you guys.

At first (0-30), this build was totally "meh". I was just spamming my Ice Spear (no awesome gems linked with), and casting Ice Nova when surroundend by enemies. I died a lot.

Then (30-35), I found Frostbite and Projectile Weakness and spent one skillpoint on Double Curse. Still "meh", but increased my dmg and survavility.

Then (35-40), I picked Clarity 2 times from quests rewards. Kept one for myself and traded the other one for LMP. After that moment, I was just spamming Ice Spear + LMP. Still "meh", but increased the fun.

But after that (40-45), all changed. I dropped Chain, and finally picked Spell Totem from a quest reward in act 1 Cruel. Spell my last skillpoint in Double Totem. Founded a decent item 4L and went Ice Spear + LMP + Chain + Spell Totem with my Frostbite + Projectiles Weakness and Summon Skeletons + Minion Speed. And the result of that was: FUCKING AWESOMENESS. Extremely usefull and, of course, funny as hell.

Just wanted to thank you for sharing this build and to tell everybody that, as soon as you get the Spell Totem gem, this build rocks.

Again, thank you.

See you in the game.

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