Path of Exile commonly used abreviations

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FFA=Free for all looting
M2M=Maps to maker

BIN=Buy out instantly
not sure if there is a slang thread, not familiar with the term spork.
WED - Weapon Elemental Damage
PoE has resurrected what once seemed like a lost cause - Blizzard, take notes!
jboo wrote:
pls put in also all those market letters in it, b/o, bumb, pst, c/o and there are some moe even i dont understand^^

B/O - Buyout (price)
Bump - To post in one's own thread to make it more visible due to thread ranking by last post time
Pst - Whisper, because that's the sound that's supposed to be made when you want to get someone's attention softly
C/O - Current offer

EDIT: Looked a couple of pages back, and the explanation for PST was actually correct, not my version. I stand enlightened :O

missingcipher wrote:
What does "BiS" mean?

BIS - Best in slot, meaning that that particular item is the absolute best possible one you can use (in its appropriate slot) in relation to that particular build/character.

Inksm3ar wrote:
Okay what is RF?

RF - Righteous Fire, an INT skill gem that makes you take fire damage over time in return for boosted spell damage. It's considered a part of the current metagame's S+ tier build currently.

BIN=Buy out instantly

Actually, I believe it's "buy it now (price)".

momogirlone wrote:
not sure if there is a slang thread, not familiar with the term spork.

Spork - A portmanteau of the words "Spark" and "Fork", part of the gem combo for that S+ tier build mentioned above.
Last edited by _avenged_ on Jul 3, 2013, 2:18:39 PM
IR = Iron Reflexes

(Two Bs.)
Wash your hands, Exile!
Bumping this for the new players because even I get confused sometimes.
Arguing on the Internet: What's the point when you can't punch them in the face when they really piss you off?
what is pst?
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Twitch - TKing85464

IGN: TKINGz or TaylorBOY
LS is leap slam and lig strike? You also fail on abbreviations for orbs and some of these are just not neccessary. If I said, "WTB ML" I think for the most part it woul go unnoticed apart from the one guy who pms to ask, "What the fuck is ML?"
Return to this flameless sunder
Where exiles burn and the joyless wander;
Frozen lore beneath chaotic thunder,
Dominus returns to send us under.
Gurthamoth wrote:

As PoE is soon entering it's open beta phase I guess it's time to show newcomers some insight on the abreviation people use widely in the forum and in game. Current forum users might find this topic usefull as well.

This is a work in progress, far from beeing complete.
Your help is more than welcome to track any abreviation I surelly missed or even spelling mistakes and so on.

any combination of R, G, B : the gem colors (Red, Green, Blue) on an item (usually linked)
4L, 5L, 6L : X Linked gems

ACD : Added Cold Damage
AFD : Added Fire Damage
Alch : Orb of Alchemy
ALD : Added Lightning Damage
Alt : Orb of Alteration
APD : Added Physical Damage
APD : Added Projectile Damage

BM : Blood Magic
BR : Blood Rage

CI : Chaos Innoculation
CS : Cold Snap
CS : Culling Strike
CW : Critical Weakness

DD : Detonate Dead
Det, Determ : Determination
Disc : Discipline
DR : Damage Reduction
DW : Dual Wield

EB : Eldricht Battery
ED : Elemental Damage
EE : Elemental Equilibrium
EK : Ethereal Knives
Ele : Elemental
ES : Energy Shield
Eva, EV : Evasion
EW : Elemental Weakness

FA : Faster Attack
FB : Facebreaker
FC : Faster Casting
FP : Faster Projectile
FP : Freezing Pulse
Fus : Orb of Fusing

GCP : Gemcutter's Prism
GH : Glacial Hammer
GMP : Greater Multiple Projectile
GR : Ghost Reaver
GS : Ground slam

HS : Heavy Strike

IAOE : Increased Area of Effect
IAS : Increased Attack Speed
IB : Infernal Blow
IC : Immortal Call
IDUR : Increased Duration
IED : Increased Elemental Damage
IF : Inner Force
IIQ : Increased Item Quantity
IIR : Increased Item Rarity
IPD : Increased Physical Damage
IPD : Increased Projectile Damage
ISD : Increased Spell Damage

LL : Life Leech
LMP : Lesser Multiple Projectile
LS : Leap Slam
LS : Lightning Strike

MI : Minion Instability
ML : Mana Leech

NA : Necromantic Aegis

PA : Poison Arrow
PW : Projectile Weakness

RMC, RM : Reduced Mana Cost
RT : Resolute Technique

TC : Temporal Chains
TS : Tempest Shield

US : Unwavering Stance

VS : Viper Strike

WM : Warlord Mark

GJ however I've played this game for 5 months, traded a lot, dealt with people a lot and half of them I've never seen, those:
WM, VS, TS, TC, RMC (people just say RM), PW, PA (people use PA for pain attunement thou), ML, MI, LS for leap slam etc. There's many more practical ones, for example ex/exalt, c for chaos, a1n for act 1 normal (common trading spot), RF for righteous fire, 6s for item with 6 sockets
IGN: korgan_bloodarrow

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