1.0.0 Release Patch Notes

This patch has killed 3 of my characters.....funnily enough....my three highest level characters....perhaps it's best i take my money back to a pay to play and stop buying items from this company...I get little enough play time that leveling a character to 66 took me months.... to find out every character that is over level 40 is scrapped hits below the belt.
This patch has killed 3 of my characters.....funnily enough....my three highest level characters....perhaps it's best i take my money back to a pay to play and stop buying items from this company...I get little enough play time that leveling a character to 66 took me months.... to find out every character that is over level 40 is scrapped hits below the belt.

just redesign them. as everybody else.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
basikxs wrote:
Shut the fuck up, quit forming opinions about things you haven't experienced yet. GGG knows what they're doing this is gonna be some hype ass shit y'all.

Stop whining people, slap yourself in the face twice and get your balls together.
Beta is beta and now its over. The game is being polished and it wont stop at 1.0, do you guys realize that ? It is just the very start of a great game.
Some guy compared diablo3 nerfs to this, and said that build nerfs killed d3, lol man. FAIL logic. D3 was bleeding from many wounds from the start. PoE is superior in all ways, because the developers here have CREATIVITY and do not afraid to use it. And yeah it is a harder game, but easy games are boring, face the challenge they give you!

And for all the "solo player" whiners: Monster hp scaling in partyes just increased by a lot. MF nerf affects everyone but it is a SLIGHT nerf not a heavy one. If you want to miss end game content because you cant play with your friends, be your own stupid guest.
Last edited by Foxmulder89 on Oct 23, 2013, 6:12:02 AM
For all of the guys saying x% of the players are going to leave, why does it seem that those leaving players never seem to include the whiners?

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Wow, It's just so much fun reading all the whiners comments. "Oh noe my build is getting nerf noooo". First of all, you probably just copied "your" build of someone else, and who cares, the game was way too easy anyways whether you were going for glass cannon or a defensive char. Love the auras nerf, it used to be so annoying with elemental damage players having so many auras to boost their damage compared how phy dmg players were getting so low out of them. The balance changes are great, keep up the good work GGG.
Posting here for memory
D2 4ever ;)
Since 2011
MrPom wrote:
Posting here for memory

IR and Vaal Pact are way too far away now (if you're playing shadow/witch)

they put vaal pact where berserking was and IR right next to duelist proj/phys bow cluster.. I really dont get the reason behind this ;/ with the middle being cut off by new class you're forced to go around wasting more points

you arent forced to use certain passives, thats what GGG wants to do :) they dont want to let certain passives be mandatory.
Awesome, keep it up GGG :)
Therealshotzz wrote:
IR and Vaal Pact are way too far away now (if you're playing shadow/witch)

they put vaal pact where berserking was and IR right next to duelist proj/phys bow cluster.. I really dont get the reason behind this ;/ with the middle being cut off by new class you're forced to go around wasting more points

you arent forced to use certain passives, thats what GGG wants to do :) they dont want to let certain passives be mandatory.

And yet builds have been standardized down incredibly hard. I wonder why that is?

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