The Endless Ledge

Not really a racer, any plans to include a decent type area to go alongside maps as endgame content in the full release?? Descent is fun but I'd rather take my time, and maps are fun but they are so short it get very repetitive. A descent area with new tile sets every few levels would add even more depth to endgame replay ability.

this 100 times. Why not do something for late levels (without quantity and rarity bonus) along these lines ? (descend and endless ledge for example would be perfect for xp farming).
Cmon i'm tired of lunaris and maps that last 5/10 minutes.
Do we know if we get to keep the drops for this ledge? or will it be like descent
I'll go Cleave witch, u mad.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
As this is more than awesome, I can't wait to see what the signature event looks like ^^
May ice feathers graze your skin like razors.
I rarely post but I just want to say this sounds awesome. I like descents but I feel like I'm going to enjoy this a lot more. Hopefully "descent 2" will be more fun as well.
"Nobody's a natural. You work hard to get good, then work harder to get better."
Chris thanks for the update. New races look good. However, as an average player, I wish the drops from these Decent type races were far better. Not in terms of quantity...I'm talking about legendary drops, since none of the items gets saved anyways.
I'd like to see more quality drops like a guaranteed random legendary from first boss? Using the same basic spell gem is nothing different than doing normal quests so I'm losing more interest in these type of races.
looks like I am not the only one that is hoping for more permanent options for Decent and Endless (blank).

I hope GGG is listening!
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
I hope GGG will add endless edge in act 3.x
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Looks great :).
Ledge in the morn,
Ledge at noon,
Ledge at the falling moon.

Ledge forever
Until our heads our severed!
Ledge is endless;
My exile endless;
At morn, noon and at the falling moon.
We will be Sleepless soon.
Return to this flameless sunder
Where exiles burn and the joyless wander;
Frozen lore beneath chaotic thunder,
Dominus returns to send us under.

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