Death Penalty Changes in 0.11.3

15% was a good amount and you played more carefully. with 8% i can die and dont give a care about it.especially on cruell if its only 5% you can take this much in less than a minute. you can zero it doesnt make a difference.
nynyny wrote:
_avenged_ wrote:
Yeap. Very happy to see that GGG recognizes that there are (to define it in broad terms) two major groups of players.

Two major groups? Is that why 80% of the players are on standard/anarchy?

Ever thought about that being the case because HC/Onslaught characters dropping to Standard and because of that the characters count as active Standard characters?

Lol what? Everyone knows that hardcore and onslaught players refuse to continue playing their characters when they die; they start new ones. SO it is extremely unlikely that during the few minutes the actually stayed in standard, that they would actuall show up in the statistics on the standard side.
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Too many whiners in here with no sense of game-design. GGG is doing the right thing. PoE is going to be great at release.
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
I dont like this change. I thought this game was for hardcore gamer, not for casuals.

Nope, that's why we have different leagues.
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DareDog wrote:
A lower death penalty doesn't make the game easier, because I can just farm a place like docks until 74 that's a 63 zone. It doesn't make that any easier or harder, because I don't die there anyway.

Harsh death penalty -> bad reward/risk ratio -> people run trivial content -> easy gameplay
Bearable death penalty -> ok reward/risk ratio -> people try out unconventional builds, run challenging stuff -> fun, fun, fun

Thats right, death penalty should exist only to block certain abusive strategy, like it was in D3.
The problem to is, the hardcore players, they are not hardcore at all, they just think they are. For me hardcore should mean super hard and challanging, and wheres the challange when you dont die? If you dont die, it prove only that the game is easy.
Ask yourself what is more hardcore:
1) Where if you die you loose character, but you can finish the game with no problem if you abuse certain strategy.
2) Where you die 50 times and barely make it out of one level, then say "At last finished tutorial".

I would vote for the second option. If the game is hard, you are supposed to die, like in dark souls. Calling somebody hardcore gamer in easy game is just misunderstanding, happens alot thu.
People in gamers are now joke, no skill just gear, abusive cookie-cutters. Thats not hardcore gamer, thats pathetic gamer.
15% was FINE no reason to change that...a change made reaso imo
The vocal minority whines their way to a win.

XP on death penalty was fine.

Remember there is no exp penalty at all right after you level...

If you are dying to white monsters or regularly to yellows/blues then you need to face up to the fact that either your build is wrong, your skills are lacking, or your gear is unter.
I think it will be better so ... still would like to increase the chance of creating links in articles
Last edited by MaxDevil on Jul 25, 2013, 8:38:46 AM
DrakMaster wrote:
Ohhh, 99% experience gained. Level Up is soooo close. Happy, happy. Hellhound attack and burning my skin. Life regen and gain is fine. Keep slashing them. Sec after ... Oh no, desync, long range Exiles attack from out off screen. Death in one or two shot. Frustrating. Why I play this game, when I loose so much time and XP? Should I get outside with my friends and forget this game? Maybeeee. Sorry for my Eng. :D XD

This is probably the biggest reason for why lv85+ players in standard simply stop playing the game unless they reroll.
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Dreggon wrote:

Ah - so in this case, your game philosophy is that death is something that should only affect you once, immediately, when you die - as opposed to affecting you over time. I agree that a decay is also not a good idea, where optimal play is to not play.

What other options did you consider? 3% and 8% are trivial.

Why not you just go HC ?

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