[0.9.11] Show us your interesting characters and be featured on our YouTube channel!

Hey here's my Ice Crit shadow.

Made efficient use of the nodes around and it really does work effectively!


link to my thread where I explain more / showcase my gear

Basically I use freezing pulse to deal crits with elemental weakness.

I use totem linked with ice spear for a little extra CC

Very Effective and is a pure caster shadow utilizing shadow and witch nodes
Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on my way.
Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay.
But now it's time for me to go.
The autumn moon lights my way.
For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it's headed my way.
Last edited by Chrono89 on Jul 31, 2012, 2:38:55 AM
Would like to put my BM Bow Duelist back up for nomination.


Currently I need to find more +HP items, because when I really start digging at a huge group of mobs, my hp is drained fast enough that they can kill me in just a hit or two unless I'm really paying attention and keeping my hp flasks running. At the moment, with 4 frenzy charges, frenzy has a 0.28 second attack rate, and drops anything except for rares and uniques fast enough to laugh at everything except mages (those things really REALLY hurt on merciless) and large spread out groups of rangers.

When tackling a rare or unique, I only use frenzy to build some attack speed, then unleash with burning arrow (or if the mob has fire resistance, lightning arrow), while alternately running and throwing bear trap in the way (unless its a unique that laughs at bear trap, then its just run, turn, fire a shot or two, then rinse and repeat).

Depending on the situation I find myself in at any given time, I run either bear trap or detonate dead (am currently seeking a totem gem for detonate, and once i finally get one, might link it to projectile weakness or warlords mark as well).

Also note that the majority of damage comes from rings, amulets, gloves, and quiver that have fairly decent elemental damage mods, as well as several added weapon elemental damage mods on gear (currently bow, quiver, and belt).

Currently lvl 51
Slightly over 1.2k hp

Main attack: Frenzy + Faster attack + Pierce + Lesser multi

1v1 attack: Burning arrow + Weapon elemental damage + Added fire damage + Life gain on hit

Alternate 1v1 attack for fire resistant mobs: Lightning arrow + lesser multi

Room clearing attack: Rain of arrows + added cold damage + added fire damage

Auras: Grace and Anger

Mobility: Phase run + increased duration

My Character: Eldist

He is a Staff-Templar who has taken every single AoE enhancing node to improve the range of his Ground Slam and Sweep abilities.

In combat he uses Hate, Anger, and Clarity auras to functionally remove all mana costs and heavily buff his ground slam to a screen-clearing level of power.

He uses Phase Run to increase the damage of his attacks to ensure that they are one-hit kills and to move around, as well as Leap Attack if the situation calls for it.

Complimenting these buffs are the clusters of Buff-Increases in the passive tree, making feel like a true hybrid of magic and hitting things.

His items need work, I haven't really traded to get anything more optimal because he is only in his 40s, but I am not seeing signs that the build will stop working any time soon, with my deaths almost exclusively due to connection issues (of which I admittedly have many).
Someone needs to Chaos Innoculation+Eldrich Battery.

Do it.
So jelly of everyone with a beta key, 2bad I'm dirt poor haha
I'd like to feature Rangnorok, a level 66 Fallen Templar. Before the passive tree respec, he was your average, everyday auras + ground slam, big defense shield, elemental scepter, jump in the middle of the fight and hope the artillery (aka witches & rangers) kill everything before he dies, Templar. Sacrificing his glory for the good of the party. He knew the girls giggling behind their hands in the Maelstrom of Chaos called him the Walking Decoy Totem behind his back. He also happened to radiate Defiance, Anger and Discipline, so he knew they wouldn't be able to move nearly as fast without him. He played his role, he took his cut of the loot.

But... something happened in that respec. Something... sinister. Sitting alone in his cell, naked, without skills, unable to even whisper the Enduring Cry that once echoed over & over again against the rocks of the Ledge, unable even to lift the shield he bore so proudly against so many waves of enemies, he started to hear whispers, a voice calling him from his stash, and pushing aside a pile of shoes, he found... this:


"Kissssss thehhh deeeaaaathhhhhhh" it whispered in a voice somewhere between a scratching LP and a screen door slamming.
Horrified, Rang threw the weapon back into the stash, grabbed his scepter & shield and raced back into the Pyramid, slamming and smashing skeletons, whaling frantically on dozens of totems, but without his Resolve, without his Technique, he flailed madly. The hoardes bore down on him, time and again, and he heard that voice again, laughing, in the scrape of their bones on the stone, the hiss of the electricity past his ear.

He awoke in town, without a penny to pay for his next level. Was he washed up? Maybe he could still be a totem. Even if he couldn't kill on his own, but maybe with enough shield passives he could still serve others, he could still be relevant. With new hope, he set off into the newly paved paths of the respec tree. Extra life, max resists, armor & shield passives. He headed north for another block of shield passives below Elemental Proliferation; at the corner he realized too late they were for caster shields!

Furious at himself, Rang spun back north, and stopped short. Directly in front of him, the Grim Spectre himself, one arm clutching Reaper's Pursuit, the other, extended to him, a glowing sphere marked Minion Instability.

"Even in Death, they have their Uses..." whispered the voice. He grabbed the Keystone, and contemplated the Axe. Many times as a young Templar he'd been tempted by swords, daggers, and especially axes. He told himself he'd stayed away from them because of his vows, never to shed blood, only to use blunt weapons. But the missing toe on his left foot told the truth, he was just too clumsy. But this axe seemed so light, so balanced. Surely he could muster enough skill to wield that. He would get back the ability to hit every time, and wouldn't have to give up spell critical strikes! He would... just... have... to put down... his shield...

The Fallen Templar:
Minion Instability, with Skeletons, Spectres and Dominating Blow. Two totems, one with Firestorm, another with Skeletons. Lots of armor (determination and Molten Shell) and energy shield, good bit of life (generally won't be one-shot killed). Still working on rolling back some of the defensive passives, especially shield passives, for more spell damage and minion passives.
Kills with Elemental Weakness, Firestorm & skeletons for basic mobs, with a slap or two (all he's got mana for) of Lightning Strike + elemental proliferation to apply shock state. For rare & magic mobs, he generally throws up Molten Shell & attacks directly, once they're softened up, attempting to convert them with Dominating Blow + Faster attack + Culling Strike + (blue support or skill of the moment).

Weaknesses: life regen or high-life bosses. Chaos damage is not a big deal, but warrants caution.

Strengths: Extreme survivability, with lots of distractions and the ability to absorb 3-4 blows from most mobs, and at least one, sometimes 2 hits even from enhanced physical Bears & rockpile bosses. Doesn't really care if they're ranged or melee or casters, most of the attacks go to the minions. This is probably a very servicable high-level HC build.

Considering adding Elemental Equilibrium, and changing the skelly totem to Freezing Pulse. Then you get a bit of each element one after another, with the mobs resisting one, but vulnerable to two.

Still a work in progress, I'm hoping to pick up some better equipment to get my resists up so I can respec the 6 points spent to get Diamond Skin.

The best part? His hoarde confuses those snotty rangers & witches no end. He doesn't need them anymore to kill.

"I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds."

/edit: the build link field only works in Chrome, but the link to item clicking only works in IE. Fixed the link (it's on the name of the build) Note, the build link is not a theorycrafted 111 point build, but what Rangnorok actually has at level 66.

I think this is a worthy build because it shows how flexible the skill tree and itemization system are; not only can you make a character however you want, you can actually change your mind halfway through. You might not end up with the most powerful character in the world, but one that can hold his own even into the endgame.
Last edited by jazmatik_weapon on Jul 31, 2012, 7:03:35 PM
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ok nice rp text but give us build link dude ;D
Stormscion wrote:
ok nice rp text but give us build link dude ;D

I plead Browser Incompatibility m'lord.
Here's another

Targuil_never_runs_away, level 25 bow duelist.

The twist is full focus on damage over time abilities and physical damage with iron grip. I use poison arrow, puncture with high physical damage bow for rare mobs and fire trap's damage over time to protect myself. Vulnerability curse increases my physical damage dealt (puncture) and all of my damage over time abilities greatly. Hatred aura provides chill and high damage increase to my otherwise physical damage. For defense I am planning to go for insane amounts of hp and defense through iron reflexes.
I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
Thegatso wrote:
Someone needs to Chaos Innoculation+Eldrich Battery.

Do it.

I can only theorycraft, I lack faith in my ability to not die

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