3.23.0b Patch Notes (restartless)

3.23.0b Patch Notes

This patch adds Valdo's Maps to the game and improvements to the User Interface for Affliction, alongside a number of other improvements and bug fixes of both large- and medium-importance.

Affliction Improvements

  • Party member minimap icons are now displayed in The Viridian Wildwood.
  • The Wisp User Interface is now displayed for all party members in an area.
  • Hovering over each type of Wisp on the Wisp User Interface now details the effect they have on Monsters when empowering them.
  • The Ritual of Dance and Ritual of Meditation debuffs are now removed when The King in the Mists teleports you to the maze.
  • The Essence Monolith now displays the Empowerment of imprisoned Monsters, if present.
  • The Treant Dryad's Toxic Volatile Skill no longer deals damage when exploding a corpse to summon a volatile.
  • The Incarnation of Agony can no longer be Desecrated or Raised as a Spectre.
  • Updated the description on Tinctures to clarify they need to be equipped to a Flask equipment slot to be used.

Valdo's Puzzle Box

  • Introduced the Valdo's Puzzle Box. It currently has 345 options for foiled Tier 17 Valdo's Maps that it can yield. We are still working through the list of submissions from Sandwraith Assassin Supporters to get the others in as soon as possible.
  • Valdo's Maps are considered "cleared" when you have completed the Map, killed all Rare and Unique Monsters, and killed 90% of the total number of Monsters in the area.

General Improvements

  • Various improvements to preloading have been made.
  • Added the Tainted Catalyst to the Catalysts category of the Bulk Item Exchange section of the Trade website.
  • Updated the descriptions on Ethereal Knives and its Transfigured versions to clarify whether each version fires knives outwards or downwards.
  • Updated the keybind for toggling the Wildwood Rucksack in Controller Input mode.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several cases where the entrance to The Viridian Wildwood could block paths in areas.
  • Fixed a bug where the Nameless Seer could become non-interactive if you hadn't purchased anything from him and your Wisps had run out.
  • Fixed a bug where modifiers to pack size were unintentionally affecting the pack size of Troll Shamans, Wildwood Abominations, Fungal Reavers and The Incarnation of Agony in The Viridian Wildwood.
  • Fixed a bug where Spectres raised from Fiery Cannibal corpses wouldn't attack.
  • Fixed a bug where Blight Chests could fail to spawn due to them overlapping with the entrance to The Viridian Wildwood.
  • Fixed a bug where you could encounter the same Azmeri Wanderer multiple times in a single area.
  • Fixed a bug where monsters imprisoned by a Shrieking Essence duplicated by the Crystal Resonance Atlas Passive could have their Wisp Empowerment duplicated.
  • Fixed a bug where Bestiary Monsters retained their Empowerment when captured.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.23 where Ethereal Knives no longer travelled as far, due to its projectile speed variance being removed.
  • Fixed a bug where Ethereal Knives was firing projectiles downwards, rather than outwards, when used by a Spell Totem.
  • Fixed a bug where Ethereal Knives projectiles were visually returning from a distance far further than they should.
  • Fixed a bug where the camera was not zooming out correctly in Sirus' Arena or The Searing Exarch's Arena.
  • Fixed a bug where Decorative Chests in the Labyrinth were not dropping any items when opened through the Caster Passive Mastery.
  • Fixed a bug where Cremation of the Volcano did not respect line of sight rules.
  • Fixed a bug where some legacy Cluster Jewel Notable modifiers were still able to roll on the Megalomaniac Unique Cluster Jewel.
  • Fixed a bug where Yeena's fox form would add to the Monster count in areas.
  • Fixed a bug where Beasts stored in Bestiary Orbs did not have their name displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where the Map Stash Tab was using the incorrect name for the Affliction Map Series.
  • Fixed a bug where Maximum Virulence was not displaying correctly on Herald of Agony's skill popup.
  • Fixed an issue where a description for Penance Brand of Dissipation still referred to "Explosion radius" instead of "Pulse radius".
  • Fixed a bug where base radius was not displayed on the Poisonous or Explosive Concoction Skill Gems.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not select an item to sacrifice in the Utzaal Arena when using Controller Input mode.
  • Fixed a bug where item information was hidden behind the inventory panel when using the crafting bench in Controller Input mode.
  • Fixed a bug where searching for Maps on the Bulk Item Exchange section of the Trade website was not working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where you could have two Rare Finisher Effect microtransactions equipped at once.
  • Fixed two instance crashes.

This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last bumped on Dec 20, 2023, 4:32:37 PM
Super excited for T17 maps, should be juicy content! Especially those SC characters being Voided
Last edited by Noobwater on Dec 13, 2023, 9:49:09 PM
Fixed a bug where searching for Maps on the Bulk Item Exchange section of the Trade website was not working correctly.

Oh, finally, thank you!
Finally some UI improvements :D
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
Liga mais do mesmo
can you guys remove that debuff from Devours that gives damage over-time? because the aura keep damaging us when they are underground and if there is 2+ of them is just stupid
Fixed a bug where Blight Chests could fail to spawn due to them overlapping with the entrance to The Viridian Wildwood.

and what about legion chests

you fixed the issue for blight but not for legion?
Last edited by auspexa on Dec 13, 2023, 10:04:34 PM

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