They need to just get rid of breach, it's worse than it ever was.

jsuslak313 wrote:
PoitelMarto wrote:

I get consistently 25-30 splinters per breach, x3 breaches in most maps, and monster density is similar to previous leagues.

This is an absurd exaggeration...I was running fully specced breaches, with gilded AND winged scarabs, increased Chayula chance, rare corrupted high iiq good layout maps, using my LA mirror-tier build with unheard of clearing speed...for close to two weeks and I never even got enough splinters to even create a single Chayula breachstone. HUNDREDS of breaches...There is no way you get "consistently" 25-30 splinters per breach in its current iteration. In some cases, monster density can be high, but in the vast majority there is SO MUCH empty time in breaches now. I can sit there for a solid few seconds and not a single monster will spawn, that's crazy. You sometimes get LUCKY with a breachlord or special hand but even then, as others pointed out, they drop 2-3 splinters (compared to 8+ from legion bosses...).

I kept track: in total from at least a week, possibly 2 weeks farming the most breached up breaches I could make I had: 0 chayula stones (53 splinters), 1 uul-netol stone (27 splinters left), 3 esh stones, 5 xoph stones, 2 tul stones. Many of the stones were raw drops instead of converting 100 splinters. It is TERRIBLE now.

You're apparently not running sextants, which is a huge mistake, as the sextant with "breaches belong to X" also adds 3 clasped hands, that are the primary source of splinters.
I ran 56 (2x full eater run) maps with all abyss/breach nodes, 20% delirium (skittering orb) and both breach sextants (+1 breach, breaches belong to Chayula + 3 clasped hands), 30% increased mods + 15% iiq from atlas tree. I farmed ~40 Chayula breachstones, not counting other stones that dropped raw from Xeshul-whatever, plus what I got from the extra monsters, mainly tons of scarabs from delirium. Not to mention the first 85% of my level 100 (solo-farmed the last 15% in said Chayula breachstones).

Again, you have to click clasped hands, as they are the primary source of splinters, and run gilded+ scarabs (as you apparently did) which duplicate splinters from clasped hands. 25-30 may be a bit overoptimistic, as I regularly farm less than 25 due to layouts, but my average (not counting raw breachstone drops) is above 25 in well-rolled maps.
PoitelMarto wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
PoitelMarto wrote:

I get consistently 25-30 splinters per breach, x3 breaches in most maps, and monster density is similar to previous leagues.

This is an absurd exaggeration...I was running fully specced breaches, with gilded AND winged scarabs, increased Chayula chance, rare corrupted high iiq good layout maps, using my LA mirror-tier build with unheard of clearing speed...for close to two weeks and I never even got enough splinters to even create a single Chayula breachstone. HUNDREDS of breaches...There is no way you get "consistently" 25-30 splinters per breach in its current iteration. In some cases, monster density can be high, but in the vast majority there is SO MUCH empty time in breaches now. I can sit there for a solid few seconds and not a single monster will spawn, that's crazy. You sometimes get LUCKY with a breachlord or special hand but even then, as others pointed out, they drop 2-3 splinters (compared to 8+ from legion bosses...).

I kept track: in total from at least a week, possibly 2 weeks farming the most breached up breaches I could make I had: 0 chayula stones (53 splinters), 1 uul-netol stone (27 splinters left), 3 esh stones, 5 xoph stones, 2 tul stones. Many of the stones were raw drops instead of converting 100 splinters. It is TERRIBLE now.

You're apparently not running sextants, which is a huge mistake, as the sextant with "breaches belong to X" also adds 3 clasped hands, that are the primary source of splinters.
I ran 56 (2x full eater run) maps with all abyss/breach nodes, 20% delirium (skittering orb) and both breach sextants (+1 breach, breaches belong to Chayula + 3 clasped hands), 30% increased mods + 15% iiq from atlas tree. I farmed ~40 Chayula breachstones, not counting other stones that dropped raw from Xeshul-whatever, plus what I got from the extra monsters, mainly tons of scarabs from delirium. Not to mention the first 85% of my level 100 (solo-farmed the last 15% in said Chayula breachstones).

Again, you have to click clasped hands, as they are the primary source of splinters, and run gilded+ scarabs (as you apparently did) which duplicate splinters from clasped hands. 25-30 may be a bit overoptimistic, as I regularly farm less than 25 due to layouts, but my average (not counting raw breachstone drops) is above 25 in well-rolled maps.

Specced into it with all the good juice. Have to agree somewhat. Breach has been good for me this league, 18 to 25 splinters per breach. Solid amount of bosses. Nice profit. Easy on nicely geared RF, I wouldn't say its the ultimate strategy for pure currency farming, but its decent efficiency nonetheless.

PoitelMarto wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
PoitelMarto wrote:

I get consistently 25-30 splinters per breach, x3 breaches in most maps, and monster density is similar to previous leagues.

This is an absurd exaggeration...I was running fully specced breaches, with gilded AND winged scarabs, increased Chayula chance, rare corrupted high iiq good layout maps, using my LA mirror-tier build with unheard of clearing speed...for close to two weeks and I never even got enough splinters to even create a single Chayula breachstone. HUNDREDS of breaches...There is no way you get "consistently" 25-30 splinters per breach in its current iteration. In some cases, monster density can be high, but in the vast majority there is SO MUCH empty time in breaches now. I can sit there for a solid few seconds and not a single monster will spawn, that's crazy. You sometimes get LUCKY with a breachlord or special hand but even then, as others pointed out, they drop 2-3 splinters (compared to 8+ from legion bosses...).

I kept track: in total from at least a week, possibly 2 weeks farming the most breached up breaches I could make I had: 0 chayula stones (53 splinters), 1 uul-netol stone (27 splinters left), 3 esh stones, 5 xoph stones, 2 tul stones. Many of the stones were raw drops instead of converting 100 splinters. It is TERRIBLE now.

You're apparently not running sextants, which is a huge mistake, as the sextant with "breaches belong to X" also adds 3 clasped hands, that are the primary source of splinters.
I ran 56 (2x full eater run) maps with all abyss/breach nodes, 20% delirium (skittering orb) and both breach sextants (+1 breach, breaches belong to Chayula + 3 clasped hands), 30% increased mods + 15% iiq from atlas tree. I farmed ~40 Chayula breachstones, not counting other stones that dropped raw from Xeshul-whatever, plus what I got from the extra monsters, mainly tons of scarabs from delirium. Not to mention the first 85% of my level 100 (solo-farmed the last 15% in said Chayula breachstones).

Again, you have to click clasped hands, as they are the primary source of splinters, and run gilded+ scarabs (as you apparently did) which duplicate splinters from clasped hands. 25-30 may be a bit overoptimistic, as I regularly farm less than 25 due to layouts, but my average (not counting raw breachstone drops) is above 25 in well-rolled maps.

I dunno, if I have to start buying compasses to make Breach feel as rewarding as it used to be before the rework, that's a straight up nerf. At that point, you might as well just go into a run-of-the-mill high investment mapping strategy.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
It has been several leagues that you can hardly farm league content without compasses for effective profit. Having farmed breaches both last league and this one, using breachs sextants has always been the way to go. As this league Breach tends to be less popular, they are extremely cheap this season.

It is a fact that you'd get more splinters per map last league. The first reason was that bosses dropped roughly twice as much, and were duplicated 100% of the time; but the rework of clasped hands partially compensate this. The second and decisive reason is Kirac's Breach map "craft" has been replaced, so we lose 2 breaches per map. Going from 5 to 3 (estimated average) obviously hurts quantity of splinters.

However. Keep in mind that now, a regular Breachstone is worth an enriched/pure breachstone of past leagues in terms of area level and experience. As a consequence, they sell for much more than in 3.20, especially Chayula's. This is why profit is similar to last league if you sell breachstones. You start losing money if you run them outside of rota services.

Here is me running a 20% deli high iiq map, dropping 98 splinters in 3 breaches (Sorry for the video quality).
Breaches start at 1:20, 3:20 and 10:35, ending at 11:50.
Invest for breaches alone is ~15c, raw profit 45-50c on average (this recording was on the lucky side, with several +iiq altars) and benefits of having heavy mob density for other mechanics such as delirium orbs/mirror.
Could not disagree with OP more. I love breach, hit it heavy last league and had a blast. Dropped skin of the lords all the time and it was always exciting to see if I got a valuable one. I would walk out of a T16 delirious Strand map with 3-4 Chayula breachstones and sell them for 17-20c. Decent profit and very FUN! Or just run the breachstones, which I like to do. I think Breach has one of the best musical scores of any content.

Breach this league felt gutted.

I was genuinely excited for the changes to Breach too!, they all sounded GREAT!
Make breach uniques more relevant to end game? GREAT!
Simplify breachstones and up their monster level? GREAT!
"Changes that make breach feel dense throughout?" GREAT!

Unfortunatley in execution of these changes, they made the uniques and blessings 'unobtanium' and the price of breachstones quadrupled in price. Which would have been fine if they hadn't cut the drop rate of splinters by a factor of 10. Not to mention density feels pretty lame unless the map is sufficiently and nicely juiced. Last league breach felt spicy from the get go. Also, if you do not fully spec into breach, which is QUITE alot of travel and atlas passive points, it just feels awful.

I do not think there is a chance that GGG will get rid of Breach but I do not want it left in its current state.
PoitelMarto wrote:
It has been several leagues that you can hardly farm league content without compasses for effective profit. Having farmed breaches both last league and this one, using breachs sextants has always been the way to go. As this league Breach tends to be less popular, they are extremely cheap this season.

It is a fact that you'd get more splinters per map last league. The first reason was that bosses dropped roughly twice as much, and were duplicated 100% of the time; but the rework of clasped hands partially compensate this. The second and decisive reason is Kirac's Breach map "craft" has been replaced, so we lose 2 breaches per map. Going from 5 to 3 (estimated average) obviously hurts quantity of splinters.

However. Keep in mind that now, a regular Breachstone is worth an enriched/pure breachstone of past leagues in terms of area level and experience. As a consequence, they sell for much more than in 3.20, especially Chayula's. This is why profit is similar to last league if you sell breachstones. You start losing money if you run them outside of rota services.

Here is me running a 20% deli high iiq map, dropping 98 splinters in 3 breaches (Sorry for the video quality).
Breaches start at 1:20, 3:20 and 10:35, ending at 11:50.
Invest for breaches alone is ~15c, raw profit 45-50c on average (this recording was on the lucky side, with several +iiq altars) and benefits of having heavy mob density for other mechanics such as delirium orbs/mirror.

EDIT: You made me want to test breach again. I logged back in and spec'd into breach fully and ran 12 maps for a small test. I used both sextants(chayula), gilded scarab and 3 sacrifice fragments on 20% deli alch'd maps with quant from 70%-130%, nothing crazy, maps I would run to try and level.

LOOT: x10 Chayula breachstones and 35 splinters. (86.25splinters per map)[621c]
x1 Skin of the loyal!!! first one this league lol [sold 100c]
COST: x3 Chayula Sextants [60c]
x3 Breach Sextant [24c]
x12 Gilded Breach Scarab[60c]
x36 Sacrifices...[17c?]
NET PROFIT: 560c in current Market. 460 without my lucky drop!

This seems to coincide with what you are seeing and is better than my initial early league assessment where I ran breach for a week straight and didn't see a single unique and made very little profit.
Breach is simmilar to harvest now, it makes huge difference if you get quant altars before opening them.
reading thru this post it made me think that the underlying issue is juicing.

personally the way i see it, league mechanics should be rewarding enough to run AS IS.

atlas passives should not be required to "FIX" league mechanics.

atlas passives should not be required to make league mechanics fun and rewarding.

atlas passives SHOULD make leauge mechanics MORE fun and MORE rewarding.

i have a feeling all the loot drops are toned down to account for atlas passives, scarabs and sextant usage.

it can be rewarding to juice up.

but for the average player the ones who struggle to run even red tier maps, it can be very harsh.

you lack good gear so you clear slow. you clear slow then you have higher risk of dying. if you die you lose xp and time.

GGG does not care for this group of people.

git gud. you need to be able to at least alc and run.

drops no good? add relevant atlas passives.

getting more drops? good now you can maybe afford scarabs/sextants.

if youre not there yet and struggling, enjoy doing 100 maps and barely seeing a divine.
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^yep that sums things up nicely.
Thats GGG rework for you. Enjoy the league that got reworked giving you less loot than white mobs except if you heavily focus on it.

Funny League going core and still being good was one of the reason I got into the game.
Why am I still here

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