Crucible Challenge Rewards

Looks alot like D's set, pretty gud!
set is meh but the voice lines seems fun :D i hope it has so many of em
I love the helmet!
Thought it was going to be something other than an armour set...

League rewards are getting a bit stale.
I don't know why but it looks awful beside the fire to me, it looks amazing in general though and the currency on the ground along with the voice is freaking great. Thanks for another 40 Challenge league GGG.
Remember when we got pets, portals, character effects, or even entire hideouts as a reward?

The problem with (evolving) armor sets is that they're generally difficult to mix and match with other cosmetics.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
I was really hoping we'd get a cool hideout with the dripping lava titan at 38 ch... welp :/ there's still hope for next league I guess
Bracks_ZA wrote:
Thought it was going to be something other than an armour set...

League rewards are getting a bit stale.

I want more petsssss and portalsssssss rrrrrrr
Last edited by fosfofrutocinase on Apr 5, 2023, 6:23:09 PM
Honestly, making lowest tier of rewards sort of dark and higher versions brighter and shinier got really boring..
Sentinel, Sanctum, now..

I miss getting fewer rewards but getting a cool portal, wings or even a pet for the 36(or 38).
Also game immersive and league thematic rewards as well..

But oh well, the rewards are not up to me to decide, and still, theylook really awesome.

Good luck to all the challenge hunters this league and have fun!
Her beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
Holy shet
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