Tool-assisted Pantheon Mod Farming

I will say that it feels so weird with so little players playing the game right now....Guilds are empty, hard to sell even the most basic items due to the low amount of players. Chat is dead. It almost feels like I'm playing in standard..... It feels like a single player game right now due to the lack of a playerbase... GGG lost so many players over the arch nemesis/loot issues...

Getting ready to hang it up myself....It's just not fun when you can't even sell the most basic items anymore. It's like, what's the point of playing?
Last edited by Mentoya on Aug 27, 2022, 12:48:16 PM
like why are they not doing anything about with that third party program itself? if there is something like that why are you "just aware of it" and not act about it? like some kind of anti cheat system or whatever? just eliminate the touched monsters but the cheat is still there no? so funny really, everytime i hear from you i just lose my desire to play this game less and less and probably never from now on.
In this post I want to discuss an illegal third-party program which allows players to see what Pantheon Archnemesis Mods are preloaded in a map, in order to farm the valuable ones. This has been a hot topic in the community and there is a lot of misunderstanding related to it.

You should probably find different phrasing that to frequently talk about all the things we don't seem to understand properly.

The issue being you also use it when it's clear we DO know and are offering feedback you want to ignore so you claim we are mistaken. You have done this for ten years.

Anyway - this issue (which is NOT actually fixed, people discussed how your fix doesn't really change much, certainly not "completely fixed" like you claim) is entirely of your own making - why a few mods should be overfocused on (IF you have proper iir/iiq - because we needed more mod pressure on items, OF COURSE) is beyond much of your player base. D3 does or did have a similar problem and it was considered a major issue. And here it is in slightly different form in PoE.

Right now, based only on current (but all current) information - D4 is looking to be a better aRPg than whatever you are doing here - I find that turnaround (from where this game came from) to be amazing (and tragic, and in the end, perhaps even funny).

Oh wait - no, sorry, I merely am suffering a misunderstanding.
Remove the users that abused this? Probably be better without cheaters in the long run.
kashlyak_vv wrote:
THUNDA wrote:
Game development is a weird industry... in any other industry a CEO responsible for this many consistent flops would step aside. Don't get me wrong the awesome game that you created lends a certain amount of credit in the bank for these kinds of **** ups. but just wondering how many more "don't you guys have phones" league releases you got left before permanent damage is done.

The ones who are damaging the game and poisoning the community are people like you. If you don't like something, it doesn't mean it's wrong. Yes, changes are controversial, yes impact on the game is big. Give constructive feedback and don't consume product, if you don't like the taste. But no need to spread hate and act entitled.

It's not "entitled" to not enjoy the direction of your game voice displeasure - based on historical precedence, which is how you get some change.

Anyway - the actual effect is the player pop is crap, and some of it is not coming back - because people are also not "entitled" for not liking the direction of the game and signing off with some not coming back at all.

Just how entitled is this developer (and some of its fans) to think they can do what they want, and everyone will just go along with it, never complaining and always playing?

10K is fine? Neat, and all decisions in support of such a population - coming to this came real soon.
Blank2567 wrote:
People here defending these 3rd Party apps. Shame

Literally no one has done that - what are you even reading?

Read again, read better.
You created this GGG... You ruined group farming as we have known it for a decade and now you cry that people naturally find other ways to turn an otherwise unrewarding game rewarding??? IT'S ALL ON YOU!!! YOU DID THIS!!! But by all means ban everyone and everything for trying to have just a little fun in this very unfun game. Not defending illegal mods but you drive people to try and find something fun to do when you make the game dull and boring/unrewarding.
Last edited by Drimli on Aug 27, 2022, 1:13:49 PM
seriously GGG? you just turn this game into a poor excuse for a loot goblin hunt and then players fed up with your bs make something to actually make mapping decent for currency, Do you guys seriously not understand that this is all your fault?
AwesomeZerain wrote:
why you are not mentioning harvest changes?

why you are not mentioning divine x exalt change, which is nonsense, because u dont have cards for divines in amount of exalts etc... which is killing SSF?

why you dont talk about your build diversity where 52% of players playing 5 skill gems in game where u have (?)100+ gems LOL!


Clearly you too are 'misunderstood' - everything is fine, the actual problem is gamers like you and I - we should just roll over and accept whatever a corporation does! /s
Sure fixed that fast, but yet loot for us people not abusing anything still sucks, thanks a lot.

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